Feb 07, 2025  
2012-2013 University Catalog 
2012-2013 University Catalog [Archived Catalogue]


14 January 2016 | THEA*499 Course Description

The course description was updated to remove grade and tuition information.

24 April 2014: Directory Information

This section was updated to more clearly articulate the procedure for requesting the University withhold a student’s directory information.

24 April 2014 | LA Transfer Credit Requirements

Humanities Seminar coursework was added as coursework which is ineligible for trasfer credit.

10 June 2013 | BS Industrial Design

Program requirements updated to reflect final approved curricular changes.

8 June 2013 | BFA Craft & Material Studies

Formerly BFA in Crafts the program requirements for the now BFA in Craft & Material Studies have been updated to reflect final approved curricular changes.

8 June 2013 | BFA Graphic Design

Program requirements updated to reflect final approved curricular changes.

8 June 2013 | BFA Illustration

Program requirements updated to reflect final approved curricular changes.

7 June 2013 | BFA Photography

Program requirements updated to reflect final approved curricular changes.

7 June 2013 | BFA Web Development & Interaction Design

Degree requirements for the BFA in Web Development & Interaction Design were added.

7 June 2013 | School Pages within CAMD

School pages within CAMD were updated to include references to new programs offered by the college and remove references to programs no longer offered.

7 June 2013 | Minimum Grade Requirements

The minimum grade requirements for programs within the College of Art, Media, and Design were updated to include new programs and remove programs no longer offered.

7 June 2013 | BFA Interdisciplinary Fine Arts

Degree requirements for the BFA in Interdisciplinary Fine Arts were added

7 June 2013 | Fine Arts Program Changes

The BFAs in Multidisciplinary Fine Arts, Painting/Draing, Printmaking/Book Arts, and Sculpture were replaced by a BFA in Interdisciplinary Fine Arts where they are included in a selection of possible concentrations.

7 June 2013 | BFA Multimedia

The BFA in Multimedia was replaced by the BFA in Design, Art & Technology.

7 June 2013 | BFA Design, Art & Technology

Degree requirements for the BFA in Dessign, Art & Technology were added.

6 June 2013 | Course Data

The course data included in the course catalouge was refreshed.  The refresh included adding the following additional data: academic level, corequisite course requirements, course level, equated courses, instructor permission required, and school offering course.

17 April 2013 | BS Music Business, Entrepreneurship, and Technology

The major requirements listed were updated to include CMMC 207 Digital Distribuition, which had been omitted.  The required internship course number was updated from MUSC 499 to MBET 499.

25 February 2013 | MA Art & Design Education

The MA Art & Design Education program director was updated.  Rande Blank, interim director, was replaced by Teresa Unseld.

28 January 2013 | BFA Directing, Playwriting, and Production “Art Theory and Criticism Electives”

The listing of “Art Theory and Criticism Electives” was removed from the program page.  The requirement was removed as per a previous revision to the program.

28 January 2013 | BFA Directing, Playwriting, and Production internship requirement

The internship requirement for was incorrestedly listed as 3 credits, when it should have be listed as 6.  The internship requirement was updated to reflect the correct number of credits required.

14 January 2013 | MUED 402 Course Description

The course description for MUED 402 was updated.

11 January 2013 | BFA Directing, Playwriting, and Production minimum grade requirements

The minimum grade policy for core coursework was incorrectly listed as “B” on the program page in the catalogue.  The minimum grade listed was updated to a “C+”.

11 January 2013 | Art Therapy Concentration

LASS 873 and LASS 874 were incorrectly listed as requirements for the Art Therapy Concentration.  These courses were replaced with the approved courses for the concentration, LASS 973 and LASS 974.

11 January 2013 | DESN 102

Due to a system error DESN 102 had the words “and Meaning” appended to the end of the course title.  The system error has been corrected and “and Meaning” was removed from DESN 102 published in the catalogue.

10 January 2013 | ENVI & OBJT Courses

Due to a system error all courses with the subject code ENVI & OBJT had the word “Interaction” appended to the end of the course title.  The system error has been corrected and “Interaction” was removed from the end of all ENVI & OBJT courses published in the catalogue.

29 November 2012 | Studio Art

The MFA Studio Art program director was updated.  Joe Girondola was replaced by Erin Boyle.

8 November 2012 | Creative Writing Minor

The minor program requirements were adjusted.  WRIT 220 Writing for Film was replaced with WRIT 211 Introduction to Screenwritting.

1 November 2012 | Catalogue Home, Administration

The Assistant Vice President for Enrollment and Dean of Admissions position was filled by Anthony Padilla.  The page was updated to reflect this change.

1 November 2012 | Admission

The Assistant Vice President for Enrollment and Dean of Admissions position was filled by Anthony Padilla.  The page was updated to reflect this change.

31 October 2012 | BFA Photography

A list of photography emphasis courses was added to the program requirements section.

31 October 2012 | BFA Film & Video Program Requirements

MACR 443 Time: A Seminar was added to the list of program requirements.  It was ommitted in error.

19 October 2012 | Private Lesson Fee

The Private Lesson Fee associated with the courses MUNM 101 & MUNM 102 was listed twice in each course, once reflecting an old amount and once reflecting the current amount. The error was removed. The fee has been and continues to be listed correctly on the Tuition & Fees page.

4 October 2012 | Gainful Employment Disclosure

To meet requirements set forth by the Federal Higher Education Opportunity Act a Gainful Employment Disclosure statement was added to the following programs:  Post-Bacc in Crafts; Composition, Diploma in Music in Jazz Studies; Instrumental Performance, Diploma in Music in Jazz Studies; Vocal Performance, Diploma in Music in Jazz Studies; Jazz Studies, Graduate Diploma.

3 October 2012 | Participation in Commencement Exercises

The approval process was adjusted.  The Assistant VP for Student Affairs replaced the Dean of Students.

3 October 2012 | MFA Museum Exhibition, Planning, and Design

The program requirements were updated to reflect the approved revisions.

2 October 2012 | Tuition Deposit, Graduate Applicants

The tuition deposit required of graduate applicants was changed from $500 to $450.

2 October 2012 | MFA Book Arts/Printmaking

Program requirements were corrected.  Students may select between GRAD 655 or GRAD 656.  GRPR 787 was added, it was previously omitted in error.  Originally the program listed GRAD 655 & GRAD 656 as required courses.

21 September 2012 | School of Music, Credit/Time Ratio

The credit/time ratio in the School of Music was added to the School of Music page.

19 September 2012 | BFA Photography, Program Director

The BFA Photography program director was updated.  Jeannie Pearce was replaced by Harris Fogel.

17 September 2012 | MA Art Education, Requred Course Credits

Required course credits were incorrectly listed as 23-25 credits.  The 33-35 credit program’s required course totals were updated to 21-23 credits.

14 September 2012 | Courses

Course data published in the catalogue was refreshed with current data from the Colleague database.

10 September 2012 | Catalogue Home, Administration

Mira Zergani, AVP for Development & Eileen Grabowsky, AVP & Director of Enrollment Management were added to the administration listing.

10 September 2012 | Catalogue Home, Board of Trustees

Sueyun Pyo Locks & Judith Terra were removed from the board of trustees listing.