Jan 21, 2025  
2023-2024 University Catalog 
2023-2024 University Catalog

Event Scheduling & Promotion



The University is committed to managing space to its full potential and ensuring that space is allocated appropriately. All buildings and space at UArts, regardless of the source of funding, belong to the University. Among the University’s many resources, the allocation of space is critical. University physical facilities, like its personnel, funds, and equipment, are resources which must be managed and maintained in accordance with policy and reasonable use to support the University’s mission.

25Live Training & Support

For assistance with or to request group or individual training for 25Live contact the Office of the Registrar at registrar@uarts.edu or 215.717.6420.

Event Requests

25Live (Location, Resource, Calendaring System)

25Live is an event planning, management, and reporting tool that includes support for location requests (room) scheduling, resource requests (eg. Dining Services) request, and event promotion through various public calendars that publish to the University Website.

Submitting an Event Request

Faculty and Staff can submit event requests via 25Live. The help section in 25Live includes step-by-step instrucitons on how to submit an event request.

Location Assignment Priorities

No event or use of space may interfere with scheduled classes. Location assignments are conducted on a first-come/first-served basis according to the following priorities:

  1. Academics: Classroom instruction as well as academic programs such as Convocation and Commencement
  2. Major Student Events: Scheduled by the academic & administrative units
  3. Faculty/Administration Events: Board meetings, admissions, information sessions, advancement events, award ceremonies, campus wide gatherings (faculty, staff & administration) and conference programs
  4. All other activities and events, including rentals

Request Submission Lead Time

Event Requests including Locations only

Event requests should be submitted at least 3 business days prior to the date requested. Location coordinators will process requests within 2 business days. In extenuating circumstances a request may be submitted on the same day. In such instances first submit the request via 25Live, then contact the Location Coordinator to request an expedited decision.

Event Requests including Locations & Resources

Event requests that include resources as well as a location generally require 10 business days prior to the event date for approval. Refer to the Service Providers section below for additional information related to lead times by service provider.

Future Event Request Restrictions

How far into the future an event request can be submitted is informed by the Academic Priority to Locations  policy. This policy supports academic priority to academic locations by preventing event requests from being submitted until locations for sections running during an upcoming semester have been assigned. The academic priority deadline is listed on the Course Section Scheduling Timeline 

For example: 

  • Spring/Summer scheduling: After academic priority has expired for the spring semester in November/December, event requests can be submitted through the day before the start of the following fall semester. 
  • Fall scheduling: After academic priority has expired for the fall semester in April/May, event requests can be submitted through the day before the start of the following spring semester.

Exception to the Restriction

An exception to this restriction is permitted for staff in the Deans’ Offices, the Provost’s Office, the President’s Office, and Campus Events. These groups have access to submit event requests one scheduling cycle beyond members of other security groups in 25Live. For example, in September most users in 25Live can only submit an event request through the day before the start of the following spring semester. Whereas staff in the afformentioned offices can submit an event request through the day before the start of following fall semester.

This exemption only pertains to non-academic locations, which are documented in the Academic Priority to Locations  policy. Due to how permissions in 25Live work it is not possible to restrict event requests for users with this permission to just non-academic locations. Therefore members of these groups need to be mindful when scheduling future events to avoid requesting academic location until after academic priority has expired.

Evening & Weekend Event Requests

Individuals or groups submitting event requests occurring during the weekend or weekdays outside of published building hours may be charged for overtime and other direct costs associated with the request.  These charges include but are not limited to Housekeeping for set-ups and Public Safety for additional guards.

Non-Academic Event Requests

Academic and administrative units are not permitted to schedule locations for non-academic purposes.

Non-University Functions by Individual or Groups External to the University

Faculty, students and staff are encouraged to work with professional associations, community organizations and individuals to invite them onto campus to present  non-University programs that benefit the students and enhance students’ academic course of study. Requests for use of University space by faculty, staff or students for non-University functions or purposes are considered rental requests and must be made through Director of Campus Events & Scheduling. Departmental or individual “sponsorship” of an event does not in an of itself result in an automatic waiver of rental fee or discount to the rental fee.

Rental Fees

The University publishes a list of rental fees that is revised periodically to reflect local market conditions for space rentals and special events.

Faculty/Staff receive a 10% discount off of the published list of rental rates for the use of UArts meeting spaces, classrooms, studios and theaters for non-University functions.

UArts alumni receive a 10% discount off of the published list of rental rates for non-University functions.

Alcohol at Events


  • Alcohol sales are prohibited as the University does not own a liquor license. This prohibition includes the sale of drink tickets that can be redeemed in exchange for alcoholic beverages.
  • Events that are open to students or open to the public must request approval, no less than 2 weeks prior to the event, through the event form in 25Live or by contacting the Associate Vice President for Student Affairs and the Director for Public Safety. 
  • Alcohol must be served by UArts Dining Services or approved licensed bartenders who have social host liability insurance. For assistance with hiring an outside bartender contact the AVP for Student Affairs.
  • The approved bartenders will set-up, serve, and break down the alcohol.
  • If students will be in attendance a Public Safety Officer must be requested for the event and Student Affairs on call staff, the Professional On Duty, will visit the event to ensure all policies are being followed.
  • Departments may purchase their own alcohol.

To Request Permission to Serve Alcohol

  1. When submitting an event request, on the resources section of the request form add Dining Services: Bartender.

Loud Events

Requestors should indicate if an event may generate loud sounds. This will help staff reviewing subsequent location requests to determine if a potential sound conflict will exist.

To indicate that an event may be loud

When submitting an event request, on the requirements section of the request form check the associated box and include any relevant details.

Student Attendance at Events

To ensure student safety and to be prepared to provide support in case of emergency, events that will attended by students should be identified when an event request is being submitted. Student Affairs will be alerted and conduct a brief walk through the day of the event.

To indicate student attendance at an event

When submitting an event request, on the requirements section of the request form check the associated box and include any relevant details.

Student Initiated Requests

Students are not currently permitted to submit event or location requests via 25Live. All such requests must be submitted on behalf of a student or student group by a sponsoring faculty or staff member from their department or Student Activities.


Most University locations can be scheduled for functions beyond the primary academic use that most frequently defines each space.  Accordingly, it is important that all members of the UArts community understand that schedulable space is a University resource, and not owned by the unit that is most frequently scheduled to use the space. While the Registrar has responsibility for scheduling classroom, studio and other locations for class purposes, discipline-specific location requests are reviewed by staff or faculty in the associated department or school office. Scheduling administrators responsible for specific locations are expected to respond to requests within 2 business days.

Scheduling of academic space (any space routinely used for classes) will only be confirmed after the Registrar has set the class schedule for the coming semester.


Audio Visual Services

Resource Request Requirements

Requests must be submitted 5 business days prior to the event start date.

To request Audio Visual Services

  1. Submit an event request via 25Live.
  2. From the resources section of the request form add A/V: General Request.
  3. Update the Setup Instructions associated with the added resource to include details of the request.

Dining Services

Resource Request Requirements

  • Requests should be submitted at least 10 business days prior to the event start date.
  • Headcounts are required
  • Enter expected headcounts as the expected attendance on the 25Live event request form.
  • Final headcounts must be provided 10 days prior to the scheduled event.
  • Requests will be charged using the final headcount provided. If the headcount is exceeded additional charges will apply.

To request Dining Services

  1. Submit an event request via 25Live.
  2. From the resources section of the request form select resources to include.
  3. On the other other requirements page include the GL number that should be charged.


Resource Request Requirements

  • Requests must be submitted 10 business days prior to the event start date.
  • 8-foot tables, 60” round tables, and metal chairs can be requested for events at no charge.

Service Charges

  • Facilities provides event setup and housekeeping services at no additional charge for University events. Large events, such as performance festivals or art shows that will require considerable additional housekeeping services, should be communicated to Facilities.
  • Facilities will deliver and setup approved requests for campus furniture, including folding table, round tables, folding chairs, and/or stackable chairs at no charge.

Academic & administrative units will be charged for:

  • Furniture rentals for large events and non-standard furniture such as high top tables, café tables, and stools.
  • Table linens
  • Setups requiring overtime due to overlapping or large events
  • Cleaning services for large events or post-event clean up requiring additional services.

To request resources from Facilities

  1. Submit an event request via 25Live.
  2. From the resources section of the request form select resources to include.

Public Safety

Public Safety provides security services at the main entrances of campus buildings, during normal building hours, based on published schedules.

Resource Request Requirements

  • Requests must be submitted 10 business days prior to the event start date.
  • One guard is required for every 100 people expected to attend an event.
  • Guards can be requested for a minimum of 4 hours; events less than 4 hours in length, requiring a guard, will be charged for 4 hours.

Service Charges

  • A rate of $25 per hour per guard is charged. Requests for additional security received less than 48 hours before the start of an event will be charged at a rate of $75 per hour per guard.

Academic & administrative units will be charged for:

  • Security for planned events
  • Security for academic programs occurring outside of normal building hours
  • Security for events requiring additional services due to expected attendance or alcoholic beverages being served.

To request resources from Public Safety

  1. Submit an event request via 25Live.
  2. From the resources section of the request form select resources to include.
  3. On the other other requirements page include the GL number that should be charged.

Promoting Events

Event requestors can promote events to online calendars published in various locations on the University portal and website. The event request form collects information used to target the appropriate audience when publishing an event. 

Publishing an Event to a Calendar

Instructional Video: Publishing an Event to a Calendar

For assistance publishing an event to a calendar contact the Office of the Registrar at registrar@uarts.edu or 215.717.6420.

  1. Submit an event request via 25Live. This process can also be used to promote an existing event by opening the event for editing.
  2. The following sections of the event request form impact how an event will appear on a calendar
    • Event title: The event title (not event name) is how an event will appear on a published calendar. Event titles should be detailed, yet concise. Event titles typically should not include school or program names, which can be associated with the event in the organization & publish to a calendar sections that follow.
    • Event state: Events in 25LIve will have an event status of either Tentative or Cancelled. Event state has no bearing on the status of requested locations or resources. Only events with a staus of Tentative will appear on published calendars. If an event that was published to a calendar is subsequently cancelled, it will automatically be removed from any calendar it was published to.
    • Organization: The organization entered here is included in the published event details; some calendars (the faculty/staff portal calendar for example) also include organization as a filtering option.
    • Event Description: All published events should include a description. The description should not duplicate information that automatically publishes to a calendar including event title, day/time, and location. Event descriptions should be formatted in accordance with University branding identity guidelines.
    • Event Image: Submission of an image is encouraged when publishing an event to a calendar. A maximum of one image per event can be submitted. When uploading an image after an event has already been submitted and approved 25Live will not automatically notify the Registrar and the image will not publish to the event; In such cases email registrar@uarts.edu with the event number for assistance. Images must adhere to the following requirements:
      • Less than 600k
      • Square or Landscape ratio
      • Should be for external use and be of artwork, space or headshot (no logos or text in the image)
      • jpg/png (no animations)
    • Custom Attributes
      • ​Can this event be published to a calendar? If no is selected the event will not be published to any calendar, regardless of other options selected.
      • Promote to …? The series of questions inquiring whether an event can be promoted to a specific audience (or audiences) will control where an event is published. For example, events promoted only to faculty and staff will appear on the faculty/staff portal calendar feed, but will not appear on the student portal calendar feed. 
    • Publish to Calendar:
      • Select only one: There is a general University calendar as well as a calendar for each school. To prevent events from appearing on a calendar multiple times only one of these calendars should be selected. Events which are not associated with a school or are sponsored by more than one school should be published using the University calendar option.
      • Select the featured event calendar to request to feature the event. For a request to be considered the event must be open to the general public and justification must be included in the comment field. 
      • Select the diversity and inclusion calendar to identify events that promote or support diversity and inclusion. For a request to be considered justification must be included in the comment field. 
  3. All requests are reviewed by the Office of the Registrar prior to being published. Requests are typically processed within 2-4 business days.

Off-Campus Events

Off-campus events, which include locations that are not reserved via 25Live, can be still be promoted by submitting and promoting an event request. When submitting an event request do not select any locations or resources. Include the event location in the event description. The location should be at the beginning of the event description.

Events with Multiple Locations

Events that include multiple locations should be entered into 25Live with consideration given to how the event should appear on a published calendar.

Create two event requests for events that include one or more supporting locations, i.e. locations not open to event attendees:

  • The event which will be published to a calendar should include the primary event location(s), description, and photograph(s).
  • The second event request will include supporting locations that are not open to event attendees and that should not appear on a published calendar.
  • The two event requests can be related at the point of submission.

Removing an Event from a Calendar

  1. Open the event for editing in 25Live.
  2. In the custom attributes section update the response to the question “Can this event be published to a calendar?” from “yes” to “no.”
  3. Save the event.
  4. The event will be typically removed from all published calendars in 5-10 minutes. Browser caching can cause the process on individual computers to take up to 24 hours in rare instances.