S T U D E N T C O D E O F C O N D U C T & P R O C E D U R E S
Campus Policies
The policies described below, mandated for all students whether on (in residential or academic spaces) or off campus, are not meant to serve as a comprehensive list and are subject to review and modification by the Assistant Vice President for Student Services (or their designee) if deemed necessary for the safety and security of the UArts community.
Access to Facilities
By way of being registered for classes and having an account in good standing, students are granted access to all of the academic facilities on-campus, provided that they show a valid ID upon entering. This is a privilege; not a right. Every semester, identification cards are issued for all students, faculty, and employees and are validated by Student Financial Services. Public Safety Officers may deny access to University facilities for anyone not carrying a validated identification card.
During 24 hour building access, students are permitted to enter academic buildings. Students are not permitted to occupy academic spaces in a way that would disrupt the academic community, such as performing basic life functions in classrooms or other common spaces. Students found in violation of this policy are subject to removal of their 24 hour access.
Each residence hall on campus is equipped with an electronic, computerized card reader. Only residents of the building can gain access by swiping their card through the card reader on each building. The system is operational 24 hours a day, 7 days a week while classes are in session. Additionally, each resident is responsible for swiping themselves into the residence hall. No other residents or non-UArts affiliates should be tailgating behind a current resident, i.e., one entry per swipe. The resident is responsible for anyone who tailgates in behind them. If you are having issues with the card reader, please notify the Public Safety officer at the front desk of the building.
If, during the course of the year, you should lose your ID Card, contact Student Financial Services immediately. Replacement ID cards cost $35, which can be charged to the student’s account if the student does not have the necessary funds available at the time of replacement.
Alcohol & Other Drugs Policy
All members of the University of the Arts community are hereby notified of the primary components of the Substance Abuse Prevention Policy in compliance with the Drug-Free Schools and Community Act of 1989 and subsequent amendments.
Local, State and Federal Laws
A person in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania who is under 21 years of age commits a summary offense if they attempt to purchase, consume, possess or transport alcohol. If convicted of this offense the minor’s driver’s license will be suspended for 90 days. There is a $300 fine for a first offense and second offense will yield a fine up to $500. The police must notify the parents of any individual under the age of 18 charged with violating this law. Any person who intentionally provides alcohol to a minor will be convicted of a misdemeanor of the third degree. There will be a $1,000 fine for the first offense and a $2,500 fine for subsequent offenses. Maximum penalties are $2,500 in fines and one-year imprisonment.
Minors carrying or using false I.D. cards face a 90-day driver’s license suspension and are subject to fines up to $500. For subsequent offenses, a driver’s license can be suspended for one year for the second offense and two years for additional offenses. Imprisonment is possible up to 90 days for the first offense and one year in prison is possible for subsequent offenses. Manufacturing or selling a false I.D. card has been made a criminal offense, punishable by minimum fines of $1,000 for a first offense and $2,500 for subsequent offenses. Maximum penalties are $5,000 in fines and two years in prison.
Federal and state laws prohibit the possession, use and distribution of illegal drugs. The sanctions for violating drug laws consist of mandatory imprisonment and substantial fines. The penalties for particular offenses vary widely, depending on the nature of the offense and the type and quantity of the drug involved. For example, under federal law, simple possession of a controlled substance carries with it a penalty of imprisonment of no more than one year, plus a fine of an amount between $1,000 and $5,000. If the controlled substance contains a cocaine base and the amount exceeds five grams, the offender will be imprisoned for not less than five years and not more than twenty years, or fined, or both. Also under federal law, anyone who is at least eighteen years old and who distributes drugs to anyone under age 21 will be imprisoned and/or fined up to twice what is otherwise provided by law, with a minimum prison sentence of one year.
Pennsylvania law, which prohibits the use, possession and distribution of drug, are also strict. In addition to imposing fines and/or prison terms for violations of its drug laws, Pennsylvania has also enacted a forfeiture statute that allows the state to seize property used to accomplish the violation of Pennsylvania’s anti-drug laws, including automobiles.
For more details, please refer to the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board webpage at: lcb.state.pa.us/PLCB/index.htm.
Standards of Conduct
The following behaviors are specifically prohibited in the University of the Arts community, regardless of whether the infraction occurs on or off campus property. Students, whether residential or commuter, may not use, possess, manufacture, distribute, dispense or sell controlled substances of any kind, including illegal drugs or drug paraphernalia, on University premises or in University-owned vehicles. Additionally, students may not:
- Be under the influence of an unauthorized substance or illegal drug on University premises or in University-owned vehicles.
- Be in possession, including internal possession, of an unauthorized substance or illegal drug on University premises or in University-owned vehicles.
- Use alcohol or other controlled substances or drugs to the extent that the performance of the employee or student is adversely affected.
- Use alcohol or other controlled substances to the extent that the safety of one’s self or of others on the campus is jeopardized.
Health Risks of Alcohol and Other Drugs
Alcohol depresses the central nervous system, slowing the thought process, reflexes and other physical skills. Under the influence of alcohol, a person may become confused, moody, angry, emotional and disoriented. Larger doses can result in unconsciousness, coma and/or death. Dangers associated with alcohol use include addiction, damage to key organs, automobile accidents, social problems, and birth defects, among other negative consequences.
Marijuana impairs physical coordination, sensory perception, judgment, reasoning skills and memory. Marijuana use has also been linked to chronic anxiety disorders and schizophrenia, among other mental health problems.
Ecstasy can cause severe depression, fatigue, internal hemorrhaging (bleeding), permanent brain damage and failure of body organs including the kidneys, heart and liver.
Cocaine, LSD (acid), and heroin, among other drugs, impact the mind and body in different ways, but each has dangerous or deadly consequences. Cocaine, for example, raises blood pressure, heart rate and body temperature; narrows arteries; restricts blood flow to the heart; causes tremors, convulsions, nausea and vomiting and can lead to failure of the respiratory system. Hallucinogenic drugs such as Acid cause severe psychological distress including panic and psychotic episodes that can last for weeks or months and return as flashbacks years later.
Alcohol Policy Violations
The following acts are considered violations of the UArts alcohol policy:
- Consumption, on or off campus, or possession of alcoholic beverage or containers intended to contain alcoholic beverages, whether empty of alcohol, used for purposes other than holding alcohol or not.
- Being intoxicated as indicated by appearance or behavior, such as: slurred speech, unstable walk, unconsciousness, destruction of property, use of abusive language, alcohol on breath, vomiting or disturbance to others.
- Sale or trade of alcohol on the campus property or to members of The University of the Arts community.
The resident(s) in whose UArts housing alcohol is being consumed is (are) responsible for the behavior of guests and will be held accountable for policy violations. It is the responsibility of the “host” to ensure that alcohol is not consumed in their residence. Students found to be in the presence of alcohol but not drinking will be considered responsible for condoning the violation of community standards and will be sanctioned with an educational sanction, probation and/or a written warning, among others.
Alcohol is prohibited at any University sponsored events for students with exceptions to this policy granted only by the Assistant Vice President of Student Services (or their designee). Exceptions will ONLY be considered for art exhibitions and/or receptions with the use of a faculty/staff sponsor and arrangements for food and beverage made through Parkhurst Catering. Approved events may be required to have UArts Public Safety staff present. The sponsoring faculty/staff member must complete the Alcohol Permission Request for Reception form on the UArts portal no less than two (2) weeks before the event. The sponsor and/or the students are responsible for all costs for the event, with the exception of Public Safety staff members which will be provided by the University at no additional cost.
Any University official (including members of Public Safety, Student Life and the Student Affairs staffs) who has a reasonable suspicion that the alcohol policy is being violated may access any University facility to determine an appropriate course of action. University officials are authorized to intervene in any situation that warrants action including, but not limited to: removal of attendees; closing of the event; and/or dumping or confiscation of alcohol; and notification of University personnel. All confiscated alcohol is turned over to the Department of Public Safety for disposal.
Sanctions for Alcohol Violations
The disciplinary response to alcohol-policy violations provides a balance between punitive action and an opportunity for education and personal growth. These sanctions are applicable to both residential and commuter students. Sanctions for alcohol violations accumulate over the duration of a student’s matriculation at The University of the Arts.
A University conduct review body determines the sanctions imposed by the University for students (see Standard Sanctions section). Generally, the minimum sanctions for violations of the alcohol policy are:
- First Violation: Alcohol education, monetary fine and probation.
- Second Violation: Alcohol education to include a mandated alcohol assessment, monetary fine and continued probation.
- Third Violation: possible suspension from University housing or the University.
- The parents/guardians of dependent students are informed of alcohol violations by University personnel (see Student
- Records policy).
- A conduct review body may alter the above sanctions at their discretion in certain circumstances depending upon the
- quantity and type of alcohol involved in a case or by the number of people impacted by the violation, among other factors.
- All funds collected as a result of alcohol policy fines are credited to a Student Affairs account dedicated to alcohol-education efforts, non-alcoholic events, and community-building programs on campus.
Drug Policy Violations
The following acts are considered violations of the UArts drug policy:
- Consumption or possession of illegal drugs on or off campus.
- Being under the influence of illegal drugs as indicated by appearance or behavior, such as: slurred speech, unstable walk, unconsciousness, destruction of property, use of abusive language, vomiting or disturbance to others.
- Sale, distribution or trade of illegal drugs on the campus property or to members of The University of the Arts community.
- Possession of drug paraphernalia.
- Being in the presence of drugs.
The resident(s) in whose apartment illegal drugs are being consumed is (are) responsible for the behavior of guests and will be held accountable for policy violations. It is the responsibility of the host to ensure that guests do not consume illegal drugs. Intent to sell is defined as possession of what is perceived by University staff to be beyond a level of personal use. Possession of paraphernalia such as a scale and multiple containers, as well as the growth and germination of marijuana and other illegal narcotics will be considered indicative of trafficking and may result in suspension or expulsion.
Any University official (including members of Public Safety, Student Life and the Student Affairs staffs) who has a reasonable suspicion that the drug policy is being violated may access any University facility to determine an appropriate course of action. University officials are authorized to intervene in any situation that warrants action including, but not limited to: removal of attendees; closing of the event; and/or confiscation of illegal drugs and paraphernalia; and notification of University personnel. All confiscated drugs are turned over to the Office of Public Safety for disposal, in conjunction with the Philadelphia Police Department.
A student found by University staff to be in the presence of illegal drugs will be subject to a hearing in which a conduct officer will determine if the student committed any of the violations described above. Students found to be in the presence of illegal drugs but not using drugs will be considered responsible for condoning the violation of community standards and will be sanctioned through the University conduct process
The presence of marijuana within a room may be determined by odor or odor-masking devices, paraphernalia and/or materials later determined through testing to be marijuana.
If suspected drugs are confiscated and the student denies the substance(s) are drugs, the Office of Public Safety will provide for testing of the substance. If the substance is found to be an illegal drug, the student will be charged for the cost of the testing, in addition to the other sanctions that may be imposed through the student disciplinary process.
When University officials confiscate illegal drugs, such items will be turned over to the Philadelphia Police Department as required by law. Prosecution for violation of the law will be made at the discretion of the Philadelphia Police Department. In the case of alleged supplying of or selling of illegal drugs, students may be referred to the Campus Standards Board or an administrative hearing for conduct review action. Sanctions could include suspension or permanent expulsion from the University.
The University reserves the right to test a student for the presence of drugs in their system if necessary and may prevent a student’s return to University housing (or withhold other privileges) until compliance and/or such tests show an absence of illegal drugs.
Sanctions for Drug Policy Violations
The disciplinary response to drug policy violations provides a balance between punitive action and an opportunity for education and personal growth. These sanctions are applicable to both residential and commuter students. Sanctions for drug violations accumulate over the duration of a student’s matriculation at The University of the Arts.
A University conduct review body determines the sanctions imposed by the University for students (see Standard Sanctions). Generally, the minimum sanctions for violations of the drug policy are:
- First Violation: Drug education including a mandated Drug Assessment, monetary fine and possible suspension from University housing. Commuter students face drug education including a mandated Drug Assessment, monetary fine and possible suspension from all non-academic facilities and events, random drug testing throughout tenure.
- Second Violation: Possible minimum of one (1) semester suspension from the University for use; one (1) year suspension from the University for distribution.
- Third Violation: Possible expulsion from the University.
- The parents/guardians of dependent students are informed of drug violations by University personnel (see Student Records policy).
- A conduct review body may alter the above sanctions at their discretion in certain circumstances depending upon the quantity and type of drugs involved in a case or by the number of people impacted by the violation, among other factors.
- All funds collected as a result of drug policy fines are credited to a Student Affairs account dedicated to drug education efforts and community-building programs on campus.
Students living in the University’s residence halls are not permitted to maintain vehicles (except bicycles) on campus. Any resident student found to be maintaining a vehicle (except a bicycle) on campus will be subject to disciplinary action through the Code of Conduct. Such action may include dismissal from the residence halls. Students with disabilities may request an exemption from this rule from the Educational Accessibility Advisor.
Computers & Technology Resources
The University of the Arts provides access to computing and information resources, telephones and other equipment and resources for students, faculty, and staff to support the University’s mission of teaching, creative exploration, research, and public service. Recognizing the value of such resources to our education and artistic mission, the University has made substantial investment in such resources and equipment and expects them to be used for University purposes only, in accordance with University rules, policies, and directives.
No University resources or equipment may be used improperly by any faculty, student, or staff member, or for personal gain or profit.
Email Policy
This policy applies to all members of the University of the Arts community and refers to all electronic mail resources at the University. Any person who uses the University’s electronic mail facilities consents to all of the provisions of this policy and agrees to comply with all of its terms and conditions and with all applicable state and federal laws and regulations. Violations may result in revocation or restriction of computer privileges; disciplinary action as outlined in the Code of Student Conduct, the Faculty and Staff Handbooks, and other University policies and procedures; or may be referred to local, state, and/or federal authorities.
General Use
The primary purpose of email accounts is to facilitate communication between users. Email must be used in accordance with the responsible use provision contained in this policy. Users shall not, under any circumstances, give their passwords for any email system to an unauthorized person nor shall they obtain any other individual’s password by any unauthorized means whatsoever. No user shall use the University’s email systems or services for the purpose of transmitting fraudulent, defamatory, harassing, obscene, or threatening messages, or for the promotion of non-university-authorized goods, services or personnel, or for any other communications that are prohibited by law. Email is one very frequent method for illegal activities from outside the university to gain access to personally identifiable information. OTIS will never ask for such information through email so do not respond to requests for personal information. If in doubt about an email, please call the Help Desk (215-717-6677 or OOPS) to report your concerns.
Email Monitoring and Disclosure
The University of the Arts does not routinely monitor or inspect email. Nonetheless, email is subject to a number of laws, policies, and practices that apply to the disclosure and protection of The University of the Arts’ records. Examples include but are not limited to the Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act; University personnel policies; disclosure pursuant to litigation; and other provisions of The University Guidelines for Responsible Computing.
The University of the Arts may access email accounts to satisfy a legal obligation or to ensure proper operation of the electronic mail facilities, and it reserves the right to take appropriate investigatory and/or disciplinary action.
Computing Guidelines
The University of the Arts provides access to computing and information resources for students, faculty, staff, and other authorized users in support of the University’s mission of teaching, creative exploration, research, and public service. Computing resources include host computer systems, University-sponsored computers and workstations, peripherals, software, electronic files, the UArts network, email services and the MyUArts portal.
Proper use demonstrates respect for intellectual property, ownership of data, systems security mechanisms, and each individual’s rights to privacy and to freedom from intimidation, harassment, and unwanted annoyance. Under the auspices of the Vice President, Technology and Information Services, all University computer systems, including user files, may be monitored and/or confiscated at any time should any portion of the system be threatened, or its integrity, security, or proper use be in question. Members of the University community should understand that all computer files and communications are subject to review, and should not expect such files and communications to be private
All users of the University’s information and technology resources are expected to:
- respect the rights of others and not use such resources to threaten, endanger, harass, intimidate or insult others, or to engage in unlawful, defamatory, or obscene activity;
- abide by all applicable licenses, copyrights, patents, intellectual property rights, contracts, security agreements, University policies, and other restrictions;
- use such resources solely for University related activities and purposes;
- behave responsibly with respect to these resources at all times, respecting the integrity and security of these resources;
- respect the rights and property of others, including the right of privacy and confidentiality, the freedom of thought, inquiry and expression.
The University reserves the right to restrict or rescind computing privileges, or the use of any other University facilities or resources, in accordance with this and other applicable University policies when the user has exhibited inappropriate behavior in the use of such resources. Other discipline and remedial measures may be appropriate, as set forth in other applicable University policies.
The same policies and laws that govern faculty and student publications in traditional media are applicable to publications in computer media. With few exceptions, Web pages, electronic mail, and electronic files may not contain copyrighted material without the approval of the owner of the copyright. Likewise, theft or misuse of private property—whether tangible or intellectual property—is prohibited.
Copyright Infringement
All UArts students should be aware that the use of copyright or creative material is the protected by law and regulatory agencies. Most artists have protections under the law that allows them to receive compensation for their creative works. Downloading protected works without compensating the owner of the work is illegal and may result in prosecution. Anyone downloading material from the internet should use legal file-sharing sources (such as iTunes) ONLY. Follow the URL this address for a list of several legal file-sharing sites to use in downloading music, video or other creative materials for entertainment - www.educause.edu/legalcontent.
If the University of the Arts receives a notice of violation from the recording or movie industry, it is required to take appropriate measures, which includes blocking wireless and/or portal access by the user who initiated the illegal download. The following steps outline the response by the institution if an individual is identified as abusing the privileges of the UArts network:
- The identified student who is/was using the university network to download protected material will have their account immediately disabled.
- Access to the network and its resources will not be re-activated until the student attends a mandatory meeting with the Vice President of Technology and Information Services.
- Failure to schedule the meeting will result in you being subject to disciplinary action as per the Student Code of Conduct.
- A second offense will result in disciplinary action in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct of the University.
The Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 provides details of the sanctions violators might incurred to include fines of up to $25,000 for each offense.
The University is required to monitor for illegal activity and is required by law to provide safeguards that prevent such activity from taking place. As an institution dedicated to creativity, the University is keenly aware of the need to protect one’s artistic efforts. The institution will not shelter a student who has engaged in these illegal activities.
Misuse of Technology
This policy covers all types of inappropriate behavior. The following types of activities are selected examples of behaviors that are unethical, unlawful, and/or inappropriate.
- Attempting to alter system, hardware, software, or account configuration.
- Accessing or monitoring another individual’s accounts, files, software, electronic mail, or computer resources without the permission of the owner.
- Misrepresenting one’s own identity, role, or the identity of any other person in any type of electronic communication.
- Intentionally or negligently revealing passwords or permitting another to use one’s personal account.
- Altering, or destroying communications, or intentionally compromising the security of electronic information passing
- through the UArts network.
- Misrepresenting or implying that the content of a personal home page constitutes the views or policies of the University, or altering the University’s official Web site or related pages without prior authorization in writing.
- Misusing the University’s computing resources so as to reduce their efficiency or to affect access to the detriment of other users.
- Producing chain letters or broadcasting messages to individuals or lists of users, or producing any communication that interferes with the work of others.
- Breaching or attempting to breach computer security systems, with or without malicious intent.
- Engaging in any activity that might be harmful to systems, the network or to any stored information such as creating or propagating viruses, worms, Trojan horses, or other rogue programs, disrupting services, or damaging files.
- Wasting system resources or overloading the UArts network with extra data.
- Violating copyright and/or software license agreements.
- Using computing resources for commercial or profit-making purposes without the written authorization of the University.
- Downloading or posting to University computers, or transporting across University networks, material that is illegal, proprietary, in violation of University contractual agreements, or in violation of University policy.
- Violating local, state or federal laws.
The University considers any violation of these regulations to be a serious offense. Violations may result in revocation or restriction of computer privileges; disciplinary action as outlined in the Student Code of Conduct, the Faculty and Staff Handbooks, and other University policies and procedures; or a referral to local, state, and/or federal authorities. The above policies supplement the University’s Student Code of Conduct and all existing policies.
Name/Image Use
The University of the Arts reserves the right to use students’ names and to use, reproduce, exhibit, display, broadcast and distribute photographic, videotaped or other images of students, as well as University-related works derived from said images, for use in connection with the activities of the University or for promoting, publicizing, or explaining the University or its activities. This policy includes without limitations, the right to publish such images as public relations/promotional materials such as marketing and admissions publications, advertisements, fundraising materials, and any other University-related publications. These images may appear in any of the wide variety of formats and media now available to the University and that may be available in the future, including but not limited to print, broadcast, videotape, CD-ROM and electronic/online media. Students whose name/image is used will not be compensated by the University for such use. Students who do not wish to have their name and/or image used by the University for these purposes must request in writing by sending an email to University Communications at news@uarts.edu.
On-Line Behavior
Students should be aware that their on-line activities are part of the public domain and, accordingly, should be handled with good judgment. The University does not actively monitor on-line activity outside of the University domain and does not progressively monitor the web for violations of campus policies. However, if made aware, via an electronic medium, of activity that violates University policy, the University will take appropriate action, as it would if made aware through a conventional communications medium.
Dissent & Demonstration
There may be times that students will choose to dissent with University or public policy and openly demonstrate on campus. Demonstrations may be held on campus as long as they do not disrupt the normal and proper operation of the University. Specifically, disruptions will include activities which:
- Interfere with the rights of students, faculty, staff or guests of the University;
- Disrupt or obstruct educational and other activities of the University;
- Obstruct or restrict free movement of persons on any part of the University campus;
- Interfere with the proper use of offices or other facilities to the students, faculty, trustees, staff or guests of the University;
- Endanger the safety of any person at the University; and/or,
- Threaten or result in the destruction of property.
- To use a campus facility for demonstration purposes, a student group must file a room-reservation form with the University’s Facilities office. The student group must also register its intent to demonstrate by submitting a letter to the Assistant Vice President of Student Services at least 48 hours prior to the demonstration.
The University will insist all planned protests be peaceful and orderly, carried out in accordance with these guidelines and in areas other than faculty and administrative offices, classrooms, libraries and study rooms. Students who violate these guidelines will be subject to disciplinary action.
Fire Safety
Candles, hover boards, incense, lanterns, potpourri and other flammable items including, but not limited to, hot plates, electric frying pans, halogen lamps, immersion coils, fireworks, flammable liquids, space heaters, and flammable decorations are not permitted on campus unless officially sanctioned and supervised by University officials. Tampering with alarm-pull stations and/or fire extinguishers without just cause and failing to evacuate from a building during a fire alarm are strictly prohibited. Students are required to exit the building expediently during a fire alarm. Failure to do so will be considered a violation of the Student Code of Conduct and may result in sanctions, including suspension from housing, if applicable.
Any form of gambling on the University of the Arts property or involving University functions including but not limited to extra- curricular activities is prohibited. Gambling is defined as playing a game for money or property or otherwise placing a bet on an uncertain outcome. Students found responsible for participating in gambling activities are subject to disciplinary action by the University.
Hazing Policy
The purpose of the Hazing Policy is to protect the safety and rights of all students of the University of the Arts who choose to join a club or other organization that is associated with the University. It applies to all such organizations whether its facilities are located on or off the University campus. Hazing of a student by any organization or group of its members is absolutely prohibited.
- For the purposes of this policy, hazing is defined as: any action or situation created intentionally, whether on or off campus, to produce mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment, or ridicule. Such activities may include, but are not limited to, the following: paddling in any form; use of alcohol; creation of excessive fatigue; physical and psychological shocks; quests; treasure hunts; scavenger hunts; the wearing of public apparel, which is conspicuous and normally not in good taste; engaging in public stunts and buffoonery; morally degrading or humiliating games and activities; and late work sessions or any activities which are not consistent with the policies and regulation of the University of the Arts. Hazing also includes any action or situation that requires or encourages violation of public law. The foregoing definition is based on the definition cited by the Fraternity Executives Association and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
- Any alleged violations of the non-hazing policy by students will be referred through the University’s conduct review system, which may impose such penalties, including suspension or expulsion from the University, as it deems appropriate.
- Any alleged violations by an organization will be referred to the Assistant Vice President of Student Services or their designee, who may impose such penalties, including suspension or revocation of recognition status as a University organization, as may be deemed appropriate.
The University will not tolerate hazing. All student clubs and organizations enhance community life, the University and its members. All segments of the University community must work together to maintain a positive atmosphere of social and moral responsibility.
Medical Amnesty Policy
Student health and safety are of primary concern of the University. As such, in cases of significant intoxication as a result of alcohol or other substance use, we encourage individuals to seek medical assistance for themselves or others.
Amnesty for Victims/Reporting Party: The University encourages the reporting of Code violations and crimes by victims. Sometimes, victims are hesitant to report to University Officials because they fear that they may personally face sanctions due to policy violations involving underage drinking or drug use at the time of the incident. It is in the best interests of this community that as many victims as possible choose to report to University Officials. To encourage reporting, the University has a policy of giving such victims amnesty from policy violations involving underage drinking or drug use at the time of the incident.
Amnesty for Help‐Seeking: The University encourages students to seek medical assistance for those in need, including oneself. Sometimes, students are hesitant to seek medical assistance for fear that they may get themselves in trouble (for example, a student who has been drinking underage might hesitate to seek help for another student who is incapacitated due to alcohol or drug use, or who has been the victim of sexual misconduct). The University has a policy of giving amnesty from policy violations involving underage drinking or drug use at the time of help seeking for students who actively seek medical help for themselves or others, or for students who provide help‐seeking assistance to victims.
If medical assistance is sought, the Office of Student Affairs will not pursue conduct charges against the following individuals for violations of the University alcohol or drugs policies:
- The intoxicated student
- Student(s) actively assisting the intoxicated student.
Actively assisting requires that an individual:
- Call Public Safety (215-717-6666 or 6404) or seek another individual qualified to assess the student’s condition such as a Resident Assistant (RA) or other Student Life On-Call Staff Member and monitor the intoxicated student’s condition.
The following are not covered by the Medical Amnesty Policy:
- Students waiting until the police or other authority arrive before seeking assistance
- Action by University faculty, staff, or student
- Action by police or other law enforcement personnel
- Violations of the Code of Conduct other than the alcohol/drugs policy
- Possession with the intent to distribute drugs
Actions by the Office of Student Affairs:
- The intoxicated student (and possibly those who were attending to/assisting the student) will be required to meet with a member of the Office of Student Affairs, or their designee, who may issue educational requirements that may include, but are not limited to, alcohol and/or drug education, counseling, and/or a substance abuse assessment.
- Serious or repeated incidents will prompt a higher degree of concern/response.
- Failure to complete the educational assignments or treatment recommendations will result in disciplinary action.
- The student will be responsible for any costs associated with drug or alcohol education interventions.
Application to Student Organizations: In circumstances where an organization is found to be hosting an event where medical assistance is sought for an intoxicated guest, the organization (depending upon the circumstances) may be held responsible for violations of the Alcohol Policy or Drug Policy. However, the organization’s willingness to seek medical assistance for a member or guest will be viewed as a mitigating factor in determining a sanction for any violations of the Alcohol Policy or Drug Policy.
Disclosure of Amnesty Incidents: The University may disclose amnesty incidents with the student’s consent. The University also may disclose an incident if a student is applying for a position within the Office of Student Life or for study abroad or if the University has received subsequent alcohol or drug related incidents involving the student.
Missing Persons
The University of the Arts will respond to a reported missing person, within reason, and as outlined in the University’s Crisis Management Plan. Whenever possible, student affairs staff will ascertain the nature of the concern, utilize existing technology to track student’s whereabouts and, if necessary, locate student in housing or class. Generally, local authorities will only be notified by the University if foul play is evident or strongly indicated, as observed by appropriate members of the Students of Concern Team.
Off-Campus Living Policy
The University of the Arts has limited space in on-campus housing and, therefore, only guarantees housing to full-time, first-year students who make a financial commitment to the University on or before May 1st. Students residing off-campus, either with their parents, by themselves, or with other students in the city of Philadelphia, are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that does not hinder the decorum of the community within which they reside. The University has an obligation to address all student conduct, including off-campus behavior, and may follow-up through the conduct system on any infractions. Sanctions could include, but are not limited to, probation, fines, and mandated relocation.
Psychological and/or Medical Evaluation & Withdrawal
The University of the Arts acknowledges that some students may experience emotional or physical difficulties during their time at the University that usually will not interfere with an individual’s ability to remain in an academic setting. If, however, there is clear and convincing evidence that a student may be suffering from a mental or physical disorder and, as a result of that disorder, their continued presence in the UArts community may be inappropriate, then the student may be required to take a temporary leave until such a time that their behavior does not interfere with the academic pursuits of the community.
The following guidelines address situations in which the University may require a student to undertake a psychological and/or physical evaluation and/or withdrawal:
- The University will consider mandatory evaluation and withdrawal in cases where there is reason to believe there is threat of danger to self, others or property, or there is disruption of the educational process and mission of the institution;
- The University will make a good faith effort to work cooperatively with the student in question;
- The University reserves the right to contact the student’s parents/guardians in life-threatening or other extreme situations;
- The University reserves the right to remove a student from housing and/or the institution temporarily pending the outcome of an evaluation. The student will be notified in writing of the procedures for psychological/physical evaluation;
- The University will refer cases involving alleged violation of the Student Code of Conduct through the standard conduct review process except where, due to the student’s psychological or physical condition, the student is either: (a) unaware of their actions; (b) unaware of the wrongful nature of their actions; or (c) a disciplinary hearing is otherwise deemed inappropriate by the Assistant Vice President for Student Services
- A student being required to undergo a mandatory evaluation by a psychologist/physician or psychiatrist will be notified in writing by the Assistant Vice President for Student Services, or designee. The University will release pertinent information regarding precipitating events and areas of concern to this evaluator. All evaluation reports are to be sent to the Assistant Vice President for Student Services or their designee. The report is available for the student to review with a member of the Counseling Center staff;
- If a student refuses to undergo a mandatory evaluation, the Assistant Vice President for Student Services may automatically withdraw that student;
- The student has the right to voluntarily withdraw from the University at any time;
- The Assistant Vice President for Student Services, or their designee, after consulting with Counseling Center and/or Health Services staff, will review the evaluation and render a decision. A student has the right to appeal the AVP’s decision to the Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Affairs. An appeal must be submitted to the Vice President in writing within five business days. The decision of the Vice President will be final;
- The University will provide guidelines for processes leading to reinstatement at the time of removal or withdrawal.
The Psychological and Medical Evaluation and Withdrawal policy serves as a guideline; reasonable deviations from this policy will not nullify a decision or plan of action unless significant bias toward a student results
School Closings
In the event of inclement weather, University officials will make every attempt to render a prompt decision regarding whether classes will be cancelled. The information will be communicated throughout campus and to the local media. The University recognizes that our students travel from a wide geographic area and that road conditions can vary greatly. Common sense and good judgment should act as your guide as to whether you can get to the University, or whether you need to leave earlier than the announced closing time.
UArts emergency closings will be communicated via:
- The University’s recorded hotline – The recorded message can be accessed directly by calling 215-717-6996.
- Uarts.edu – A bulletin will be displayed on the homepage.
- UArtsAlert–Abriefmessageannouncingclosingordelayinformationwillbesentviatextmessagetostudents,faculty,
- staff and others registered in the “UArts Alert” notification system.
- UArts Email – A message will be sent to your UArts email address.
- KYW-News Radio 1060 AM – Listening for our closing number – 116, which will be announced twice every hour. In addition to this, information is listed online at: www.kyw1060.com.
- KYW-TV 3 – School opening delays or closings will be aired beginning at 5 a.m. (also available atwww.CBS3.com)
- Fox-29 TV (check your local listings) – School opening delays or closings will be aired beginning at 5 a.m. (also available at www.myFoxPhilly.com)
- NBC-10 TV – School opening delays or closings will be aired beginning at 5 a.m. (also available at www.NBC10.com)
- 6-ABC TV – Opening delays or closings will be aired beginning at 5 a.m. (also available at www.6ABC.com)
Residential Living Policies
All of the policies and codes outlined in the Campus Policies and Code of Conduct sections outline the standards and behaviors expected of all University of the Arts students. There are additional standards and policies that apply to students living in University housing. The policies described below are not meant to serve as a comprehensive list and are subject to review and modification by the Director of Student Life, as deemed necessary for the safety and security of the community. For more
information regarding residential living, please refer to the Student Life website.
Pets of any kind are not permitted in the residence halls, except for fish. The maximum size for an aquarium is 10 gallons, and fish must be non-carnivorous. Failure to abide by the above restriction will result in a $25.00 fine for each day the pet remains in the residence hall. Students requesting exceptions to this policy under the auspices of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), must do so through the Office of Educational Accessibility (see Section 2 of this Handbook for contact information). Animals, live or dead, may not be used in pranks or otherwise for amusement or ceremony. Use of animal materials, bi-products or bodily fluids is prohibited in the residence halls.
Art Projects & Supplies
All residents are expected to exercise caution when completing art projects or collecting materials to complete projects while in the residence halls. Paint should be used in an appropriate manner and in well-ventilated areas, including but not limited to; studios and designated classroom spaces. Students are not permitted to use paint, including spray paint on any balconies or in stairwells. Students may not use spray paint in their rooms or in lounge space. Students may not store hazardous or unsafe materials in their residence hall room at the discretion of the Director of Student Life. Drug or alcohol paraphernalia used as a prop or as part of an art project will be documented as per the UArts Code of Conduct outlined in Section 9 of this Handbook.
Bag Checks
All residents and guests may be asked to open their bags by Public Safety Officers and Student Life Staff if circumstances warrant. Residents or guests who are non-compliant with bag check requests may not be permitted to enter the building and/or be subject to disciplinary action.
Bed Bug Policy
The Office of Student Life and the Facilities Department are committed to a timely and effective response to any residents who suspect they may have bed bugs. For the safety and health of our campus community, please note the following guidelines in suspected bed bug findings:
- Contact Emergency Maintenance at 215-717-6611 or go to the front desk of your residence hall and ask them to contact Emergency Maintenance.
- Facilities will contact the exterminator to inspect the apartment in question. Students may not, at any time, deny the facilities department access to any part of their living space.
- If the exterminator finds evidence of bedbugs in the apartment, the Office of Student Life in conjunction with Facilities will provide the resident(s) in the affected apartment with a list of instructions that must be completed, in addition to the treatment that will be provided by the exterminator.
- The University will not cover the cost of anything a student wishes to dry clean or have laundered by an outside vendor. UArts is not responsible for personal property that may be damaged due to bed bugs. Only the University’s exterminator can confirm or deny the presence of bed bugs – NOT student health services or any outside person.
- Bed bugs have the potential to provide serious community disruption to health and safety, and all students are expected to comply with all instructions given to them within 24 hours of bed bug confirmation. Failure to do so will result in a conduct code violation.
Behavioral Agreements
Residents may be required to adhere to behavioral agreements should circumstances warrant such an agreement. Behavioral agreements are developed by the Resident Assistant, Hall Director (HD), the Director of Student Life and/or or Assistant Vice President for Student Services, based on the nature of the concern. These agreements may require students to meet regularly with staff members in the Division of Student Affairs and/or follow behavioral expectations while living in residence. Failure to adhere to the terms of the agreement may result in the termination of the housing contract without refund.
The Office of Student Life reserves the right to remove any item(s) that are either prohibited by university policy or compromises student health or safety from the residential facilities, including students’ apartments. Residents will be held accountable through the conduct process and the item in question may or may not be returned to the student.
Damage to Property/Damage Billing
The resident is individually responsible for any damage beyond reasonable wear and tear to the residence hall room/apartment or University-owned furniture. Damage that results from excess negligence or intentional act may also result in disciplinary action. The resident may not make material alterations or additions to the apartment, residence hall or University-owned furniture. This prohibition includes, but is not limited to, the use of nails, screws, bolts, or permanent adhesives.
Damage to Common Space Within the Residence Halls
All residents are equally responsible for damage to common areas in the residence halls in the event that the persons directly responsible are not identified. The Office of Student Life will notify students by email when and if there will be common space charges placed on their account. Advance notification of common space charges to be sent when possible.
Empty Beds/Bedrooms
Residents assigned to a space that has unoccupied beds or bedrooms should expect another student to be assigned to these spaces at any time. Advance notification of a new roommate will be sent to students when possible; Residents should not disassemble university issued furniture or utilize unoccupied beds, furniture or space so that it will be available to an incoming student at any time. All unoccupied spaces should be kept accessible and clean.
Fire Safety
The resident is required to exit the residence hall immediately in the case of a fire alarm and may not return to the residence hall until instructed to do so by the University.
The resident may not:
- Intentionally cause a false fire alarm;
- Interfere with the proper functioning of the fire safety system;
- Tamper with the sprinkler, smoke detector or fire hose system;
- Misuse the chemical fire extinguishers;
- Place items on an active heating device.
The following items and/or acts are prohibited:
- Items that involve or could involve an open flame. These items include, but are not limited to candles, incense, sterno lamps and kerosene lamps.
- Any electrical device that the University deems a fire hazard. These include but are not limited to, hot plates, electrical outlet powered string/rope lights, halogen lamps, hover boards, extension cords and live Christmas trees. Students must use power strips in lieu of extension cords.
- The hanging of tapestries, cloths or carpeting from the ceiling or against walls of the apartment. Fabric wall hangings may not be larger than 2’x3’.
- Smoking, polluting or lingering on the fire escapes or stairwells as they provide an egress to the ground level in case of fire.
- Obstructed path from the bed to the front door.
Failure to abide by the above fire safety guidelines may result in disciplinary action.
Furniture (University Provided)
All of the furniture and appliances provided by the University remain the property of the University throughout the resident’s occupancy. The resident may not remove or disassemble any University-owned furniture or appliances from the apartment. The resident may not remove any University-owned items from the common spaces within the residence hall. Any furniture brought into the halls that is deemed a health hazard, as defined by the Director of Student Life, is subject to removal. Construction such as, but not limited to, panels, dividers, lofts, shelves and bunks are not permitted. Beds may not be placed on top of other furniture. Residents are not permitted to adjust university furniture into an unsafe position. Failure to abide by the above restrictions may result in disciplinary action.
Guest/Visitation Policy
A guest is defined as any person not assigned to the resident host’s room. Resident hosts must sign in their guest(s) following proper procedure at the front desk of the residence hall. Resident hosts may not have more than three (3) guests signed in at any given time. Each guest is required to leave a photo identification card at the front desk while in the building. The guest(s) ID card(s) must remain at the desk until the guest(s) vacate the building. It is the responsibility of the host to inform the guest of the photo ID requirement. Acceptable forms of photo ID include: driver’s license, non-driver’s ID, school ID, or passport. No other forms of ID will be accepted. Guests without ID will not be allowed access into the residence hall, except in emergencies. (See emergency ID section.) Resident hosts must escort their guest(s) at all times within the building, including when they exit the building.
The host is responsible for signing their guests in and out of the residence hall. Resident hosts are responsible for their guest’s actions. A guest may not occupy a resident host’s room when the host is not present. A resident may not pressure a roommate to tolerate the presence of a guest. All guests to a room are subject to the agreement of all room residents. The presence of guests
must not restrict free access for assigned residents to all common spaces and any private space they may have or create any situation that infringes on the need of roommates to remain undisturbed. Any student wishing to visit a hall other than the hall to which they are assigned must be signed in as a guest by a resident of that hall. Students may not sign in or sign out guest(s) for other residential students. UArts students, in the role of guest or host, are responsible for properly following sign in procedures.
Residents are permitted to have overnight guests in accordance with the above-mentioned policy. However, cohabitation is not permitted and is defined at the discretion of the Director of Student Life. Residents, who have guests that are deemed to be cohabitating, or are causing a disruption to the community, will be asked to have their guest leave immediately. Follow-up through the UArts conduct system may apply.
To host a guest without a valid photo ID or a guest between the ages of 11 and 16, the host must email the Office of Student Life the following information no later than 12pm on the business day (Monday-Friday) prior to the date of the visit:
Guest Name:
Guest Age and Date of Birth:
Guest Emergency Contact Name and Relationship:
Guest Emergency Contact Cell:
Guest Arrival Date and Time:
Guest Departure Date and Time:
Host Name:
Host Building:
Host Room:
Host Cell:
The student host assumes responsibility for the welfare of guests between the ages of 11 and 16 and those without photo identification.
Verified immediate family members who come to visit a resident student and do not have proper ID can be issued an emergency ID by the Student Life On-Call (SLOC) staff member. Students should contact the Public Safety Officer at the front desk of the residence hall for assistance contacting the SLOC. Requests from non-family members without ID who request building access will be handled on a case-by-case basis by the Public Safety Officer at the desk and the SLOC. Emergency IDs will only be issued when non-admittance to the residence halls could impact a person’s safety. Emergency IDs will not be issued to guests simply because they forget proper identification.
No guest, regardless of age, may bring alcoholic beverages into the residence halls.
Health & Safety Inspections
Residents are responsible for keeping their apartments in a safe and healthy condition. The Office of Student Life will perform regular inspections of the resident’s apartment to ensure compliance with University standards of health and safe living practices. The dates and approximate times of these inspections will scheduled with residents at least 48 hours in advance and will be conducted by two (2) residential staff members from Student Life. Violation of policies found will be documented and addressed through the conduct review process. Continued failure to maintain a healthy and safe living environment may result in removal from the residence halls.
Housing Agreement
Students sign an electronic Housing Agreement for the current academic year and are provided with an assignment for a space on campus, not a particular apartment or room. Students who leave the University due to withdrawal, leave of absence (medical or general), dismissal, or termination of the housing agreement must contact the Office of Student Life and are responsible for officially checking out of their housing assignment. Similarly, students who are notified during Winter Break that they are being academically dismissed or who choose not to return to the University during the break, must also contact the Office of Student Life and check out of their assignment as indicated. This check-out process must occur no later than 72 hours prior to the Spring Semester opening of the Residence Halls. If a student is mandated by the Office of Student Life and/or the Student Affairs Office to relocate to a new apartment or out of the residence halls, they must do so according to the timeline outlined in the sanction. Upon departure, a student’s personal items that remain in an apartment more than 48 hours after the student has been re-assigned or removed from residence become the property of the University and will be removed and disposed of accordingly. Failure to adhere to this policy and timelines may result in a fine for improper or late checkout.
Cancellation. University approved cancellation of the Housing Agreement will result in refunds in accordance with the tuition refund policy as listed on the UArts website:
Fall & Spring Semester, Cancellation Occurring |
Housing Cost Charged |
Housing Cost Refunded |
Prior to First Day of Classes |
0% |
100% |
Before the End of the Second Week of Classes |
20% |
80% |
Before the End of the Third Week of Classes |
60% |
40% |
After the End of the Third Week of Classes |
100% |
0% |
Residents who wish to apply for cancellation of their Housing Agreement, must complete a Contract Cancellation form, available in the Office of Student Life. This form also allows students to apply to cancel their meal plan, or move to another plan.
Refunds of meal plans are issued in accordance with the tuition refund policy as listed on the UArts website.
Residents wishing to cancel their meal plan for medical exemption should contact the Office of Educational Accessibility
by emailing access@uarts.edu.
If a resident’s cancellation is not approved, they are financially obligated for the entire 2017-2018 academic year housing
and meal plan costs.
This Housing Agreement may be terminated by the University under the following conditions:
- The resident fails to maintain a healthy and safe living environment, as determined by the Director of Student Life (or designee).
- The resident receives a conduct sanction that includes suspension/expulsion from University housing.
- The resident ceases to be eligible for University housing under the terms of the agreement form required for review).
- The resident experiences a medical emergency or unforeseen financial hardship (Contract Cancellatio
Empty Beds and Bedrooms
If a vacancy is not accessible and clean for an incoming resident, the resident(s) of the assignment will be fined $150.00 for the cost of housekeeping and maintenance work. The cost will be split among the occupants of the designated assignment.
ID Policy
All residents must display a valid, University-issued ID card with the appropriate residential building sticker and SFS verification to gain access to the residence halls. The resident must enter the residence halls only through the main entrance at which the Public Safety front desk is located. The resident may not intentionally provide another person their ID card for the purpose of that other individual gaining access to the residence hall. If a student loses their ID card, they should report it to Public Safety immediately so access is shut off. Failure to abide by the above policies may result in disciplinary action.
In the case that the resident is no longer in possession of the apartment key, the lock mechanism for the apartment door will be replaced for security reasons. The resident will be charged $65.00 for this replacement. A $10.00 charge will be assessed for replacing the mail key. Failure to return the apartment key upon checkout will require the lock mechanism for the apartment door to be replaced for security reasons. The resident will be charged $65.00 for this replacement. A $15.00 fine will be charged to the account of any resident student who requires a member of the University staff to open the door to that resident’s apartment. When a resident switches apartments they must return their old key within 72 hours or they will be charged $65 for the lock replacement
Pine and Juniper lounges are open to commuter/residential students. All other lounges are for residential students and their guests only. Students are not permitted to sleep or conduct inappropriate behavior in the lounges, nor should they complete projects whose materials have a potential for property damage within the lounges.
Residents are responsible for submitting online maintenance requests for repairs needed to their apartment through the UArts portal. In emergency situations, residents should notify the emergency maintenance hotline at 215-717-6011 or ask the Public Safety Officer at their residence hall front desk to contact Maintenance on their behalf. Residents are responsible for reporting pest concerns online through the website above. Pest Control services are on site once a week to address reported concerns.
All noise must be kept at a moderate level. Use of musical instruments, especially amplified musical instruments or particularly loud instruments (e.g., brass instruments or drums), are not permitted in the residence halls. Courtesy Hours are in effect at all times, when a resident must lower the level of noise being created upon another resident’s request. Quiet Hours are in effect 24 hours a day during Final Examination, Critiques and Juries Weeks. Outside of those weeks, quiet hours are in effect Sunday- Thursday from 11pm-7am and Friday-Saturday 12am-7am. All residents are expected to act in a conscientious fashion regarding noise levels that respects others including neighbors of the University. Failure to abide by the above guidelines will result in disciplinary action.
If a resident’s eligibility status changes during the length of the Housing Agreement, the resident is expected to move out of the residence halls within forty-eight (48) hours. If an extension is required, the resident must submit the request in writing to the Office of Student Life. Graduating seniors participating in the University’s Commencement ceremonies will be allowed to remain in the residence halls until 12pm the day following Commencement.
The Room Condition Report (RCR) is a preliminary assessment of the condition of the assigned apartment verified by both the resident and the University. In order to officially check-in to University housing, the resident must complete a RCR. Failure to properly complete and return the RCR will result in the forfeiture of the right to contest damage assessments made by the University.
In order to check out of an assigned space in University housing, the resident must complete the following procedure. Failure to complete these steps properly may result in charges withheld from the Residence Hall Damage Deposit.
The resident must remove all personal belongings and trash as well as make a reasonable attempt to clean the apartment.
- Personal belongings remaining in the apartment following check-out will be removed and discarded by the University at a cost to the resident.
- The resident must return the key for their space and mailbox, to the Office of Student Life.
- The resident must remove the on-campus student identification sticker on their University ID.
- The resident must sign the Room Condition Report or Express Checkout Form, acknowledging responsibility for the present condition of the apartment.
Personal Property (Loss)
The University is not responsible for loss or damage of personal property in the residence halls. Students are encouraged to purchase private insurance and/or to obtain personal lockboxes. In addition, students should refrain from keeping cash and/or expensive items in their residence hall apartment. Students should keep their apartment doors locked whenever they are not present.
Physical Activities
Students may not participate in any physical activity or recreation inside the residence halls that poses a threat to the safety of other students or to the facility itself. These activities include, but are not limited to: riding hover boards, skateboarding, roller-blading, roller-skating, bike riding, and throwing objects. Failure to abide by the above prohibitions may result in disciplinary action.
Posting Policy
All signs, either from students or from outside vendors, must have prior approval from the Office of Student Life to be posted in or around residential facilities. Approved signs, posters and advertisements will be given to RAs to be hung throughout the building accordingly. Students who do not live in a respective building are not permitted hang up posters.
Prohibited Areas
For safety and security reasons, residents may not access the following areas of any residence hall:
- Roof and/or terraces;
- Balconies;
- Fire-escapes except for exit due to fire or other emergency.
Prohibited Items
The following are prohibited for use and/or possession in the residence halls. This is not a comprehensive list. Any other item that is deemed unsafe or inappropriate for residential living may be considered prohibited, at the discretion of the Director of Student Life.
- Air Conditioners not provided by the University
- Alcohol containers (empty or not), alcohol paraphernalia
- Candles/incense/wax burners (open flame, hot plate heating element, or lit ember)
- Drugs and drug paraphernalia
- Electric Blankets
- Extension cords
- Fireworks
- Halogen lamps
- Hot tubs/pools/slip n’slides
- Hookahs
- Hover boards
- Microwave ovens not provided by the University
- Pets or animals of any kind (see pet policy above)
- Refrigerators not provided by the University
- Space Heaters
- String lights, rope lights, holiday lights (limited to 3 strands per apartment, must be solar or battery powered)
- Tapestries/fabric wall hangings larger than 2’x3’ (see hanging guidelines in Fire Safety policy)
- Body Modification Equipment (including branding, tattooing, piercing guns or other body modification equipment)
- Weapons
Residents may not be involved in defenestration, which is the act of causing an object to fall out of a window. This includes, but is not limited to trash, ashes, cigarette butts, other items or fluids. Students found responsible for violating this policy may be relocated to another residence hall, or removed from campus housing, immediately. Students will be responsible for any injury or damage caused to University or private property damaged in the act of defenestrating. Other sanctions may apply as well, based on the nature of the incident.
Room Entry & Search Policy
The University respects each student’s right to privacy and is committed to protecting this right. However, University officials (such as Student Life, Public Safety, and Facilities staff) may enter a student room when they have reason to believe that the health or safety of residents and/or residential space is in jeopardy or a University policy is being violated. Generally, all residence hall rooms will be entered and inspected by hall staff for safety, security and health concerns twice per semester and before hall closings prior to breaks. While Student Life staff will not conduct a room search, they may open cabinets or closets to find fire equipment and/or locate safety hazards. If, in the course of doing so, they locate an item or items that are banned via this Handbook or Student Life policies, that item will be confiscated by Public Safety and the issue will be addressed as outlined in the Student Code of Conduct. Maintenance may also enter rooms to perform necessary repairs, as needed.
Permission of the resident to enter a room is suggested by procedure but not required and, while University personnel will attempt to have the room resident(s) present when entering a room, this may not always be possible.
If the staff person has reason to believe that some condition exists that constitutes a threat to the safety or well-being of the occupants of the building or the campus, or that a probable violation of University policy or State or Federal Law is occurring or has occurred, a cursory search of student rooms may be done. A cursory search of a room includes viewing everything that is in plain sight. At the discretion of the Office of Student Affairs and, or their designee, a student’s room may be searched thoroughly.
A room search will only be conducted when authorized by one of the following people:
- Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Affairs
- Assistant Vice President for Student Services
- Director of Student Campus Life
- Director of Residence Life & Conduct
Students do not have to be present for the search, but University personnel will make a good faith effort to contact the student and provide them with written documentation of search authorization either at the time of the search or the next business day. During the search, the student may be required to open any locked trunks, suitcases, etc. If the student is not present, any item in the room, including purses, trunks, etc., may be searched. The University will take due care to ensure proper handling of student’s belongings, but it is not liable for damage or clean up as a result of a room search. Any paraphernalia confiscated during the search that violates State or Federal law will be turned over to Public Safety to address according to law.
The University of the Arts maintains a smoke-free environment. Smoking is prohibited on all University property, including outdoor building courtyards, balconies, stairwells, and steps. Smoking is therefore prohibited in all areas of the residence halls. Students found smoking in their apartments, hallways, roofs, stairwells, catwalks, and/or balconies will be in violation of the smoking policy and will be subject to disciplinary action. Any used cigarettes, ashtrays, smoking paraphernalia, and/or ashes will be considered a violation of the smoking policy. Smoking is, in part, defined as carrying or holding of any lit or ignited pipe, cigar, cigarette, electronic cigarette, or any other lit or battery operated smoking equipment or device. Smoking is permitted only out of doors and 20 feet from building entrances and exits.
No solicitation is permitted in or around the residence halls.
Students who are assigned to temporary or overflow spaces will be required to relocate to a permanent space once one is available. Students will be kept informed of their status and be given instructions with regards to moving and vacating temporary spaces.
Special Accommodation Requests
Students who wish to request housing accommodations or adjustments due to a disability must contact the Office of Educational Accessibility at 215-717-6616. For more information, please refer to the following website: uarts.edu/accessibility
Students are not permitted to have weapons on campus including, but not limited to, firearms of any kind, nunchucks, shuriken, knives (other than eating utensils), cap guns, ammunition and explosives (or explosive chemicals), among other dangerous weapons or substances. Students found to be in possession of such weapons or substances are subject to sanctions ranging up to expulsion from the University. Weapons used as props, whether real or otherwise, are not permitted in the residence halls. Weapons used as props for performances/exhibits are permitted at the discretion of the supervising faculty or staff and are not permitted outside of performance or exhibit space.
Student Code of Conduct & Procedures
Community Standards & the Student Conduct System
The overriding principle of the UArts Student Code of Conduct is the promotion of a civil educational environment for all community members. The UArts Student Code of Conduct acknowledges that every student has both the freedoms and the responsibilities of being an adult student-artist.
As appropriate to an institution of higher education, standards of performance and social conduct are generally more demanding than those required of the general public.
It is assumed that students are mature and responsible individuals. By registering at the University of the Arts, each student agrees to accept responsibility for compliance with academic regulations, course syllabi and conduct regulations as listed in the University Catalog and regulations pertaining to any specific operation within the University.
The principal responsibility for proper conduct rests with each student, and as much as possible, each student is encouraged to resolve conflicts of individual rights and responsibilities independently. The University will become involved, however, when a student cannot resolve a conflict independently; when there exists a reasonable basis to believe that laws have been broken; when there could be or is a potential for personal harm or property damage; or when there exists a reasonable basis to believe that University regulations have been violated.
No sanction shall be brought against a student accused of a violation of the Student Code of Conduct until a conduct review body has reviewed the complaint, made a decision and issued a disciplinary sanction, except in those matters handled directly by the Assistant Vice President for Student Services or instances of academic dishonesty handled by faculty members in accordance with policies set forth in their syllabi and the academic integrity policy in the University Catalog. Students wishing to appeal academic decisions made by faculty members should consult the Academic Grievance Procedure section of the University Catalog for guidelines.
Should a student’s presence on campus create a threat to the safety or well-being of other members of the University of the Arts community, the University reserves the right to immediately interim suspend that student from campus until the time of a hearing. Additionally, the University reserves the right to resolve a case and sanction a student, including suspension, without a hearing where such action is deemed necessary or appropriate by the President of the University.
- The following definitions refer to the University of the Arts conduct review procedures and processes only:
- The term “University” means the University of the Arts;
- The term “student” includes both full and part-time students, pursuing undergraduate or graduate studies. Persons who are not officially enrolled for a particular term but who have a continuing relationship with the University are considered “students”;
- The term “University official” includes any person employed by the University or an out-sourced auxiliary service who performs assigned administrative or professional responsibilities, including conducting classroom activities;
- The term “Student Life staff” includes resident assistants, coordinators/hall directors, and the Director of Student Life;
- The term “member of the University community” includes any person who is a student, faculty member, University official or any other person employed by the University, including any University auxiliary service employee and vendors;
- The term “University premises” includes all land, buildings, facilities, and other property in the possession of, owned, used, or controlled by the University;
- The term “University organization” means any number of persons who have complied with the formal requirements for University recognition/registration;
- The term “conduct review body” means any person or persons authorized to determine whether a student has violated the Student Code of Conduct and to recommend imposition of sanctions; exercise disciplinary action following a proper hearing. The University will exercise this right in cases where its reputation or orderly functions as an academic community are involved;
- The term “appellate body” means any person or persons authorized to consider the appeal of a conduct review body’s determination that a student has violated the Student Code of Conduct or the sanctions imposed by the conduct review body;
- The term “University policy” is defined as the written regulations of the University as found in, but not limited to, the University Catalog;
- The term “hearing officer” means the person present during conduct review hearings responsible for ensuring that due process, as defined by the University Catalog, is followed. The hearing officer in Campus Standards Board hearings is the chair. In all other hearings, one individual serves as both the hearing officer and the “conduct review body.”
Jurisdiction of the University Conduct System
The University Conduct System will hear complaints concerning violations of University policy or regulations whenever the conduct in question occurs in any of the following circumstances:
- If it occurs on the campus or in any University facility;
- If it occurs while the student who is charged was attending or participating in any University-related activity, i.e., study abroad, field trip, social event, activity sponsored by a recognized student organization; or
- If the conduct, whenever and wherever it occurs, including via online media, calls into question the student’s suitability as a member of the University community. Unlawful acts of violence, violations of another’s civil rights, hazing, the unlawful sale or possession of drugs, the unlawful use of alcoholic beverages and crimes against persons or property are examples of conduct that will subject a student to the conduct review system regardless of where the conduct occurs. In cases involving student behavioral problems that occur off campus, the University reserves the right to initiate disciplinary action in the interest of preserving its reputation and orderly functioning. The fact that a student’s conduct may also constitute a crime in violation of local, state, or federal law does not limit the ability of the University to discipline the student for that conduct. The University, therefore, reserves the right to submit a complaint to the conduct review system even if the same conduct is or may become the subject of a criminal case.
Student Code of Conduct
In addition to the policies listed in various sections of this handbook, the University of the Arts Student Code of Conduct outlines behaviors that are prohibited at the University. The specific items are not meant to serve as an exhaustive list, but as a general guideline for addressing student behavior. The University reserves the right to address other behaviors that occur that are considered detrimental to the learning environment and/or health and safety of the University community.
To that end, prohibited behavior at the University of the Arts includes the following:
- Academic dishonesty or misconduct including, but not limited to, cheating and plagiarism;
- Cheating: using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information, or study aids in any educational exercise.
- Plagiarism: representing the ideas or language of another as one’s own in any educational exercise.
- Fabrication: falsifying or inventing any information or citation in an educational exercise.
- Denying others access to information or material.
- Facilitating academic dishonesty: assisting another student to cheat, plagiarize, and/or fabricate information.
- Submission of the same, or essentially the same, assignment for two or more classes without the direct prior
- permission of all instructor(s) involved.
- Non-academic dishonesty, including, but not limited to, theft, attempted theft, possession of stolen property, forgery, and falsification of information provided to any University official;
- Lying: any statement, action, or behavior with the intent to deceive.
- Possession or use of a fake ID.
- Stealing: knowingly taking an item or items without the owner’s expressed permission.
- Possession of stolen property: any items of material value possessed or controlled by an individual without the explicit permission or authorization of the owner or the owner’s designated representative.
- Eluding or evading: any statement, action, or behavior with the intent of hiding the truth, including running or hiding from University personnel.
- Aiding and abetting: knowingly encouraging, assisting and or being an accessory to any act prohibited by the Student Code of Conduct.
- Conduct which threatens the physical or psychological health and/or safety of any person (including the person committing the act) or the sanctity of the campus, including, but not limited to physical or sexual assault;
- Dating Violence (as defined in Section 8 of this Handbook)
- Domestic Violence (as defined in Section 8 of this Handbook)
- Sexual Harassment. Unwelcome and/or unreciprocated sexual advances, whether online, in person, or through a third-party, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature.
- Sexual Assault/Rape (as defined in Section 8 of this Handbook)
- Sexual Exploitation (as defined in Appendix I of this Handbook)
- Stalking: any act, whether via phone, internet, or physical proximity, that, through unwanted and/or unsolicited viewing or communicating, threatens an individual’s physical or emotional safety.
- Physical Attack.
- Hazing.
- Harassment: any act, whether written or verbal, via online or in person, that belittles, intimidates, or threatens the safety of a member of the University of the Arts community.
- Failure to maintain personal health, whether physical, mental or emotional, in such a way that it threatens the safety and security of the individual or the University community.
- Use or possession of firearms, fireworks, or other weapons that could be considered lethal, including those weapons in which the person has a permit.
- Damage to or misuse of public, private, personal or University property;
- Property Damage, either to an individual’s or the University’s property.
- Removing approved postings and/or Office of Student Life notices or bulletin boards.
- Littering, applying graffiti, and/or other behavior which threaten the cleanliness and appearance of the University.
- Use of fire equipment, including sprinklers, extinguishers, and/or hoses, in any manner for which it was not intended.
- Defenestration: throwing objects outside of window or from balcony or roof.
- Violation of policies as described in the University Catalog, the UArts Housing Agreement and all other rules governing University facilities, programs and services including, but not limited to the following;
- Violation of Student Life policies (see Residential Living policies section)
- Possession or use of alcohol paraphernalia.
- Purchase, possession, use, sale or distribution of alcohol.
- Distribution or attempted distribution of alcohol to any person under the legal drinking age e. Possession or use of drugs and/or drug paraphernalia.
- Distribution or attempted distribution of a drug, including prescription medication.
- Illegal use or possession of a drug, including prescription and over-the-counter drugs. h. Manufacturing of any drug, including growing marijuana for any purpose.
- Intentional obstruction or disruption of teaching, research, administration, disciplinary procedures, other University activities or activities authorized to take place on University property;
- Disorderly conduct including acts which breach the peace;
- Disruptive behavior.
- Unauthorized entry, whether peacefully or by force, into a prohibited area (including but not limited to, fire escapes, balconies, and basements) or residence hall apartment in which there is no documented reason for being present.
- Urinating in public.
- Non-compliance with the directions of University or civil authorities performing official duties;
- Failure to give proper identification when requested
- Repeated unexcused non-attendance of classes
- Violation of a student’s rights or privileges and verbal or written harassment, discrimination, abuse and/or disrespect of any person;
- Harassment: any act, whether written or verbal, via online or in person, that belittles, intimidates, or threatens the safety of a member of the University of the Arts community.
- Acts or abusive language, either in public or via online sources, which includes failing to abide by policies set forth by the College of Art, Media, and Design (CAMD) with regards to conduct with live models.
- Making, distributing, or publishing a media recording of any person without that person’s consent and/or prior knowledge (e.g., audio, picture, video, Google Glass).
- Violation of statutes, laws, ordinances and/or regulations of the City of Philadelphia, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (or other states, when applicable) and the United States of America.
Conduct Review Process
Any violation of University Title IX policy will be adjudicated through the University’s Title IX conduct process. The University’s policy and process are in Appendix A of this Handbook.
Any member of the University community may initiate the conduct review process against any student for alleged violations of the Student Code of Conduct generally within two to three months of the alleged violation(s) by submitting a complaint in written form to the Assistant Vice President for Student Services (or their designee). The University online incident report database can be found online at uarts-advocate.symplicity.com/public_report/. Student Life and Public Safety staffs initiate charges in writing through their supervisor by completing an incident report after addressing a violation. Charges filed by all other members of the community must be prepared in writing, preferably through the online system, and will be directed to the Conduct Coordinator. Alleged violations of the Student Code of Conduct generally may be adjudicated by one of three types of campus conduct review bodies, depending upon the nature and seriousness of the charges (see below for levels of violations), the location of the event and/or the number of students involved:
- Student Life Coordinators (Hall Directors) generally address lower-level violations by residents living within their respective residence areas;
- Professional staff members of the Division of Student Affairs generally address intermediate-level violations and cases involving commuter students or multiple residents from different living areas;
- The Campus Standards Board, consisting of students, faculty, and/or administrators generally conducts hearings to address violations of the most serious nature that have the potential to result in University suspension or expulsion. The Board is advised by the Assistant Vice President for Student Services who appoints a trained administrator to serve as the chair.
There are two exceptions to the above-stated procedures. With respect to non-academic matters, exceptions to this policy may be made by the Assistant Vice President for Student Services, at their discretion. With respect to academic dishonesty, faculty may choose to follow policies and procedures described in their course syllabi.
Anyone with questions about the conduct process should contact the Office of Student Affairs at 215-717-6617 or the Conduct Coordinator at 215-717-6606 during regular business hours.
General Conduct Review Procedures
All University hearings are open only to members of the University community and individuals who have specific involvement in the case, and only at the discretion of the hearing officer. The University conduct review process shall be conducted by a conduct review body according to the following guidelines:
1. All charges of misconduct shall be presented to the accused student in written form generally between 2 and 15 business days after the student has been notified;
2. Hearings shall be conducted in private. Admission of any person to the hearing shall be at the discretion of the hearing officer;
3. The responding party and the reporting party have the right to be accompanied throughout the hearing by advisors of their choice selected from among members of the University community. Only when the student is exposed to concurrent criminal charges or civil liability may a responding party request to have legal counsel as an advisor. An advisor, including legal counsel, may not speak on behalf of the responding party or address the conduct review body. The names of the advisors must be provided to the hearing officer at least two working days prior to the hearing in order to be approved;
4. The responding party and the reporting party may present as witnesses only those persons with first-hand knowledge of the alleged incident or violation or others having information that can otherwise be shown to be credible. The decision to hear testimony from witnesses having information other than first-hand knowledge shall be made by the conduct review body or the hearing officer;
5. In hearings involving more than one accused student, the hearing officer, at their discretion may permit the hearings concerning each student to be conducted separately;
6. All procedural questions are subject to the final decision of the hearing officer. Technical rules of evidence and other “due process” rights associated with courts are not applicable to the University conduct review process;
7. Pertinent records, exhibits, and written statements may be accepted as evidence for consideration by a conduct review body at the discretion of the hearing officer. Assumptions, speculations, or references to prior, unreported incidents will normally not be permitted;
8. After the hearing, the conduct review body shall determine (by majority vote in Campus Standards Board hearings) whether or not the student has violated each section of the Student Code with which the student has been charged. The conduct review body’s decision shall be made on the basis of whether it is more likely than not that the accused student violated the Student Code of Conduct (a preponderance of evidence standard);
9. There shall be a record of all hearings before a conduct review body for use by the appellate body; a copy of this record will not be provided to the accused or the reporting party. The record shall cite the violation(s), the decision (responsible or not responsible), a brief statement of the facts upon which the finding is based, and the sanction(s). Generally, there shall be no audio/visual recordings of hearings other than those conducted by the Campus Standards Board;
10. Failure to obey the summons of a hearing officer or failure to attend one’s own hearing does not preclude the case from being heard and a decision being rendered; and
11. Decisions made by a conduct review body shall be final, pending the normal appeal process. Following a general conduct review hearing, the hearing officer shall advise the accused in writing of the decision of the hearing and of the sanction(s) imposed, if any, within three business days whenever possible.
12. Students found responsible may appeal the decision within 48 hours of email notification. Appeals will be heard by the Assistant Vice President for Student Services (and/or their designee)
Campus Standards Board Hearing Procedures
It is at the discretion of the Assistant Vice President for Student Services (or their designee) whether or not a case is heard by an individual student affairs administrator or by the Campus Standards Board (CSB). CSB hearings are open only to those people who have specific involvement in the case or who will serve as an advisor to the accused. The reporting party shall at all times have the burden of proof, upon preponderance of the evidence, that the responding party has violated the Student Code of Conduct.
- The chair shall call the meeting to order formally, announcing the date and time.
- The due process compliance officer shall introduce the purpose of the hearing, outline the conduct process and identify roles for those attending the hearing. (The due process compliance officer is responsible for ensuring that procedures are followed as outlined in this Handbook and as such, may interject as needed during the proceedings).
- All parties involved will introduce themselves by name and role at the hearing (panel member, responding party reporting party, witness, advisor).
- The chair shall read the charges and the responding party will provide a preliminary indication of whether they are responsible or not responsible for those charges.
- The reporting party shall present their opening statement and present their complaint.
- Members of the CSB may ask questions of the reporting party, responding party, and all witnesses for the purpose of fact finding and clarification;
- The responding party may question the reporting party and witnesses as they appear;
- The responding party shall present their opening statement and present their response.
- Members of the CSB may ask questions of the reporting party, responding party, and all witnesses for the purpose of fact finding and clarification;
- The chair, or relevant witnesses if present, will read into record any additional pieces of information, witness accounts, etc. that are deemed necessary and relevant for the case.
- CSB members may call witnesses from either side after all original testimony has been heard for the purpose of fact finding and clarification;
- The reporting party may present a closing statement;
- The responding party may present a closing statement;
- All parties except CSB members shall be excused from the hearing room while the Board discusses the case to determine their decision.
- Their decision will be made at the time of the hearing unless unusual circumstances make deferment necessary; and
- A majority vote of CSB members present is sufficient to declare a decision.
- The responding party will remain in the vicinity of the hearing during the Board’s deliberation, unless excused by the committee;
- The responding party shall be called back to the hearing room to be verbally informed of the decision, if rendered at the time of the hearing.
- If the responding party is found not responsible an outcome letter will be sent from the due process compliance officer within 48 hours of the verbal notification by the board. At the discretion of the chair, the reporting party will be informed of the not responsible outcome via email within 48 hours of the hearing
- If the responding party is found responsible, the decision for sanctions will be made by the Assistant Vice President for Student Services or Provost, dependent on the charges found in violation, based on the facts of the case and prior relevant sanctions, if any. Responding party and reporting party will be notified of sanctions within 7 calendar days following a panel decision of responsible.
- There shall be a single recording of all University Campus Standard Board hearings (not including deliberations). The recordings shall be property of the University and will be maintained in accordance with FERPA. Copies of files will not be provided except under compliance with federal regulations or legal subpoena. Transcripts may not be shared with any persons not directly involved in the hearing;
- In case of an appeal, an audio file of the transcript is available to either the reporting party or responding party for review in a space approved by the due process compliance officer and in the presence of the students hearing advisor. Appeals must be submitted within one (1) week of either responsible or not responsible decision notification.
- Appeals will be heard by the Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Affairs or the Provost depending upon the policy violations or charges. Appeal outcomes will be sent within two (2) calendar weeks of the receipt of the appeal submission.
The Role of the Advisor
For information about the role of the Advisor for the Sexual Misconduct Policy refer to Appendix A of this Handbook.
If requested at least 48 hours prior to a hearing, the hearing officer may approve the responding party to have an advisor present during the proceedings. An approved advisor must be a member of the University of the Arts community and is not permitted to speak at the proceedings. Prior to the hearing, the hearing officer will meet with the advisor to provide information about the code of conduct and to answer any questions they may have about the proceedings. The hearing officer cannot answer questions about the incident itself or the student’s responsibility. The advisor is permitted to meet with the responding party in advance of the hearing and to be present at the hearing and the outcome. The advisor’s role is to provide guidance to the responding party with regards to what to ask and how to act, what questions to ask, and how to prepare their case. Advisors are able to share notes with the responding party at the hearing.
A list of trained student advisors is available on the UArts website at http://www.uarts.edu/students/hearing-advisors. Advisors for Campus Standards Board hearings will be offered during the notice of hearing meeting with the Conduct Coordinator.
The following sanctions, among others, may be imposed upon any student found to have violated the Student Code of Conduct:
- Warning – A written notice to the student that they are violating or have violated the Student Code of Conduct;
- Loss of privileges – Denial or restriction of specified privileges or use of specified facilities for a designated period of time;
- Fines;
- Conflict mediation;
- Restitution – Compensation for loss, damage or injury through the payment of money or through appropriate work requirement related to the offense;
- Referral to support services/educational programs;
- Community Restitution – Service to the University or other related discretionary assignments;
- Probation – Defined as the middle status between good standing and suspension. Probation is for a designated period of time and includes the probability of more severe disciplinary sanctions if the student is found to be violating the Student Code of Conduct during the probationary period;
- Mandated room reassignment or residential suspension – Behavior merits immediate relocation of the student to another campus residence or removal from the University’s residence halls;
- Living/learning contract – Disciplinary letter placing the student on probation; this letter is signed by the student requiring them to satisfy certain sanctions within a period of time;
- Failing assignment or course grade (in cases of academic dishonesty only) – If the sanction is failure of the course, an “F” will be given and will appear on the transcript, the student will not be allowed to drop the course, even within the drop period. A reason for the “F” will not appear on the student’s transcript, except in the case of suspension or expulsion due to academic dishonesty; course grades of “F” that are given as a sanction for academic dishonesty are excluded from the University grade replacement policies: these F’s will not be replaced if the course is repeated.
- Persona non grata – Prohibition from a specific or all campus property and/or activities. Violation of a persona non grata sanction may subject the violator to arrest for trespass;
- Suspension – Removal from classes and other privileges, including campus housing or activities as a student for a designated period of time. Suspension from the University will result in automatic “W” grades in all classes in the semester of the suspension. A suspended student is considered “not in good standing” and therefore may not be cast or participate in University of the Arts shows, performances or exhibitions or participate in student organizations. A suspended individual must turn in campus photo identification, University keys and all other University property at the time the suspension goes into effect and is considered persona non grata. Conditions for readmission may be specified. When a student returns from a suspension, they are required to meet with the Assistant Vice President for Student Services or a designee to determine if all requirements have been met prior to the student’s return. Suspension may be deferred to begin at a later date or under specific conditions;
- Expulsion – Permanent removal from classes and other privileges or activities as a student. Expulsion from the University will result in automatic “W” grades in all classes for the semester in which expulsion was sanctioned. Expelled individuals must turn in campus card photo ID, University keys and all other University property at the time expulsion goes into effect and the student is considered persona non grata.
- More than one of the above sanctions listed may be imposed for any single violation. Additionally, educational sanctions may be imposed at the discretion of the hearing officer. Other than University expulsion, disciplinary sanctions shall not be made part of the student’s academic transcript but shall become part of the student’s permanent record. A student’s record is, therefore, subject to review by those authorized to request it, such as transfer higher-education institutions and future employers and in other cases when the student initiates the disclosure.
The following sanctions, among others, may be imposed upon student groups or organizations:
- “1” through “8” sanctions listed above;
- Deactivation – Loss of privileges, including University recognition, for a specified period of time.
When a student organization engages in some act of misconduct, the University may take action not only against the student(s) involved, but also against the organization itself.
Standard Sanctions
In recognition that no two circumstances are identical, the following tables provide guideline for sanctions for standard violations. Actual sanctions may vary based on the situation and nature of the infraction.
Violation |
Hearing Type |
Probation |
Fine |
Warning |
Parents Notified |
Educational Sanction |
D/A Assessment |
No Contact Order |
Persona Non Grata |
Res Change |
Community Restitution |
Loss of Priviledges |
Suspension (Housing) |
Suspension (University) |
Expulsion |
Alcohol (Possession of Paraphernalia) |
AD |
6 months |
$50* |
* |
* |
x |
Alcohol (Possession, Use) |
AD |
6 months |
$100 |
x |
* |
* |
Defenestration |
AD |
6 months |
* |
x |
* |
* |
Drug: Marijuana (Possession, Use) |
AD |
1 year |
$200 |
x |
x |
* |
Drug: Marijuana (Sale, Distribution) |
$250* |
x |
x |
x |
x |
* |
Drug: Other (Possession, Use) |
1 year* |
$300* |
x |
x |
x |
* |
Drug: Other (Sale, Distribution |
$450* |
x |
x |
x |
x |
* |
Fire Safety |
6 months |
$300 |
* |
* |
x |
* |
* |
* |
Lying |
6 months |
$100 |
* |
* |
Noise Violation |
AD |
x |
* |
Guest Policy |
AD |
6 months* |
* |
* |
Pets |
AD |
6 months |
$25 p/d |
* |
Smoking |
AD |
6 months |
$25 |
* |
Theft |
1 year* |
* |
* |
x |
* |
* |
* |
x |
Unauthorized Access |
AD |
6 months |
$50 |
* |
* |
* |
* |
Vandalism |
AD |
1 year |
* |
* |
x |
* |
* |
Violence/ Fighting |
1 year |
x |
* |
* |
x |
* |
* |
* |
* |
Weapons |
1 year* |
* |
* |
* |
* |
* |
* |
* |
x Recommended sanction, based on the severity of the violation and the circumstances surrounding the incident.
* Possible sanction, based on the severity of the violation and the circumstances surrounding the incident.
Violation |
Hearing Type |
Probation |
Fine |
Warning |
Parents Notified |
Educational Sanction |
D/A Assessment |
No Contact Order |
Persona Non Grata |
Res Change |
Community Restitution |
Loss of Priviledges |
Suspension (Housing) |
Suspension (University) |
Expulsion |
Alcohol (Possession of Paraphernalia) |
AD |
1 year |
$100* |
x |
* |
x |
Alcohol (Possession, Use) |
AD |
1 year |
$250 |
x |
x |
x |
x |
Defenestration |
AD |
6 months |
x |
x |
* |
Drug: Marijuana (Possession, Use) |
AD |
1 year |
$450 |
x |
x |
x |
* |
x |
x |
Drug: Other (Possession, Use) |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
Fire Safety |
1 year |
$500 |
x |
x |
x |
Lying |
1 year |
$200 |
* |
* |
* |
Noise Violation |
AD |
6 months |
$25 |
* |
Guest Policy |
AD |
6 months |
* |
x |
* |
Pets |
AD |
6 months |
$100 p/d |
* |
x |
x |
Smoking |
AD |
1 year |
$100 |
x |
Theft |
1 year |
$250 |
* |
* |
x |
x |
x |
* |
* |
Unauthorized Access |
AD |
6 months |
$100 |
x |
x |
* |
Vandalism |
AD |
1 year |
$250 |
x |
x |
x |
Violence/ Fighting |
1 year |
x |
* |
x |
x |
x |
* |
* |
Weapons |
1 year |
* |
* |
x |
x |
x |
* |
* |
x Recommended sanction, based on the severity of the violation and the circumstances surrounding the incident.
* Possible sanction, based on the severity of the violation and the circumstances surrounding the incident.
Violation |
Hearing Type |
Probation |
Fine |
Warning |
Parents Notified |
Educational Sanction |
D/A Assessment |
No Contact Order |
Persona Non Grata |
Res Change |
Community Restitution |
Loss of Priviledges |
Suspension (Housing) |
Suspension (University) |
Expulsion |
Alcohol (Possession of Paraphernalia) |
AD |
1 year |
$200 |
x |
x |
Alcohol (Possession, Use) |
AD |
1 year |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
Defenestration |
AD |
6 months |
$250 |
x |
x |
x |
Fire Safety |
x |
x |
x |
x |
Lying |
x |
x |
x |
Noise Violation |
AD |
6 months |
$50 |
x |
x |
x |
Guest Policy |
AD |
1 year |
$100 |
x |
x |
Smoking |
AD |
1 year |
$250 |
x |
x |
* |
Unauthorized Access |
AD |
1 year |
$250 |
x |
x |
x |
* |
Vandalism |
AD |
1 year |
$500 |
x |
x |
x |
x |
* |
Violence/ Fighting |
x |
x |
x |
* |
Weapons |
x |
x |
x |
x Recommended sanction, based on the severity of the violation and the circumstances surrounding the incident.
* Possible sanction, based on the severity of the violation and the circumstances surrounding the incident.
TABLE 4: EXPECTED SANCTIONS (TIX Investigation REQUIRED) Assumes student is found RESPONSIBLE
Violation |
Title IX Investigation |
Probation |
Fine |
Warning |
Parents Notified |
Educational Sanction |
D/A Assessment |
No Contact Order |
Persona Non Grata |
Res Change |
Community Restitution |
Loss of Priviledges |
Suspension (Housing) |
Suspension (University) |
Expulsion |
Dating Violence |
TIX Investigation |
x |
* |
* |
* |
x |
* |
* |
* |
* |
x |
x |
x |
Domestic Violence |
TIX Investigation |
x |
* |
* |
* |
x |
* |
* |
* |
* |
x |
x |
x |
Sexual Harassment |
TIX Investigation |
x |
* |
* |
* |
x |
* |
* |
* |
* |
x |
x |
* |
Sexual Exploitation |
TIX Investigation |
x |
* |
* |
* |
x |
* |
* |
* |
* |
x |
x |
x |
Sexual Misconduct |
TIX Investigation |
x |
* |
* |
* |
x |
* |
* |
* |
* |
x |
x |
x |
Sexual Assault |
TIX Investigation |
x |
* |
* |
* |
x |
* |
* |
* |
* |
x |
x |
x |
Stalking |
TIX Investigation |
x |
* |
* |
* |
x |
* |
* |
* |
* |
x |
x |
* |
Harassment |
TIX Investigation |
x |
* |
* |
* |
x |
* |
* |
* |
* |
x |
x |
* |
x Recommended sanction, based on the severity of the violation and the circumstances surrounding the incident.
* Possible sanction, based on the severity of the violation and the circumstances surrounding the incident.
Interim Sanctions
In certain circumstances, the Assistant Vice President for Student Services (or their designee) may impose a University or residence-area suspension pending an assessment and/or a hearing before a conduct review body. Interim suspension may be imposed to:
- help ensure the safety and well-being of members of the University community or preservation of University property;
- help ensure the student’s own physical or emotional safety and/or well-being;
- help prevent disruption or interference with the normal operations of the University.
During interim suspension, students may be denied access to the residence area and/or to the campus (including classes) and/or all other University activities or privileges for which the student might otherwise be eligible, as the Assistant Vice President for Student Services (or their designee) may determine to be appropriate.
In certain circumstances, the Assistant Vice President for Student Services (or their designee) may impose an interim residence suspension, mandated room reassignment or other restrictions prior to a hearing before a conduct review body.
Whenever interim sanctions are imposed, a hearing convenes at the earliest possible time. The interim sanction(s) may remain in effect until a final decision has been reached, including any appropriate appeals process.
General Conduct Review Process Appeals
The accused student(s) may appeal a decision made by a conduct review body. A request for an appeal must be submitted in writing to the Assistant Vice President for Student Services (or their designee) within two business days (48 hours) of the decision. Generally, the Assistant Vice President for Student Services (or their designee) will direct an appeal to the supervisor of the hearing officer, who will make a final decision in the case. The Director of Student Life will generally hear appeals of residential suspensions; the Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Affairs will hear the appeal of University suspensions or expulsions. The Assistant Vice President for Student Services may assign any appeal as they deem appropriate to be heard by conduct staff, except for those that they adjudicated.
The written request for any appeal must be based upon one or more of the following reasons, which must be specifically specified in the appeal:
- Violation of University conduct review procedures;
- Misinterpretation of the policies alleged to be violated;
- New evidence not reasonably available at the time of the hearing; 4. Improper or excessive sanction(s);
Upon receipt of the appeal, the appellate body will do one of the following:
- Accept to hear the case at their discretion;
- Refuse to hear the case for lack of sufficient reason for appeal;
- Request that another hearing be conducted;
- Amend the sanction.
Appeals of decisions made by the Campus Standards Board are handled as follows:
- The Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Affairs hears appeals of non-academic decisions made by the Campus Standards Board, except in cases where the Vice President is the reporting party or a witness in the matter. (In such instances, appeals will go to the Provost);
- The Provost (or their designee) hears appeals of academic decisions made by the Campus Standards Board, except in cases where the Provost is the reporting party or a witness in the matter. (In such instances, appeals will go to the Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Affairs);
In appeals by the accused involving claims of improper or excessive sanctions, decisions following appeal cannot result in more severe sanctions for the accused student. Review of the audio transcript or other supporting materials will be available to the appellate officer at their request. The decision and sanction(s) resulting from any appeal will be sent to the responding party, reporting party, president of the University and/or persons and offices notified of the original sanction(s).
The University of the Arts reserves the right to change and/or add to the policies, procedures and programs described in the University Catalog and will make reasonable efforts to inform students of such changes and/or additions via UArts email notification.